Chapter Five- Discovered

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I woke the next morning with my face shoved into something warm and soft. I frowned, then remembered that I had fallen asleep on Niall last night while watching The Vow. I sighed, wishing I had stayed awake to see it, but grateful I got a sound night's sleep. I nestled my head into Niall's shoulder savoring the warmth and the sweet smell of his cologne.

"Goodmorning." Niall chipped groggily.

"Hi." I whispered looking up at him. "Did I wake you?" He shook his head, smiling at me. I closed my eyes for another second before shifting to get up.

"Noooooo." Niall whined, blindly grabbing at me and pulling me back down to lay next to him. "Stay here for a bit." He whispered before relaxing again. I nodded against his chest, snuggling back into the warmth. "Y'know, you're not like other girls." He mumbled, playing with my hair. I remained silent, willing him to go on. "You're funny, smart, beautiful, and you didn't freak out when you found out that I'm Niall Horan from One Direction. You saw me as Niall, the kid from Mullingar, you saw me as me. And like me for me. You're not afraid to be yourself. You're just a carefree girl. And so strong, incredibly strong." He trailed off, suddenly turning a slight pink. "Sorry."

"No, its fine." I smiled, grasping his hand. "That was the kindest thing someone has said to me. Thank you, it means a lot coming from someone as awesome as you." He grinned in response squeezing my hand. Then my phone rang.


"Ashlyn what the hell happened?! We have no electricity in the flat!" Mara's voice screeched over the speakers. I swore under my breath. This is what my dad meant. He runs the biggest and most common electricity company in London. "And where the hell have you been, you bitch. You ditched me at the club for some guy and then sent me home in a cab too spend more time with him?! And then don't come home for two days and then surprise! No electricity. You screwed up." She snapped. "So whats your excuse this time?" She demanded. Tears threatened to spill over. "Well?"

"Mara, I met someone at the club, and we really hit off. You got completely plastered, so drunk you couldn't even walk! So I was going to leave the club and take you home too take care of you, but I didn't want to leave yet, so Ni- the guy I met gave me the idea to get you a cab and pay a little extra to ensure your safe return. Then we stayed a little longer at the club and went to his flat. I hung out with him all yesterday. And hell, Mar, I'm happy I-"

"You little slut. All over boys now, spending the nights at their houses. Next thing we know you'll be pregnant and the guys going to ditch you and I won't help you because its not my problem that you were stupid. You're such a whore Ashlyn! I can't believe-"

"-Mara, please, thats not it-" I pleaded.

"-you would ditch me to have fun. While I'm home alone with a massive hangover and its all your fault." Tears finally spilled over.

"Mara, listen-"

"No, you listen, bitch. If you're not back to the flat in 10 minutes, our friendship is over and you can move out of the flat, I'll find someone who isn't going to be a bitch and a whore."

"Mara, shut up!" I yelled into m phone, sobbing. "Y-y-" Niall yanked the phone out of my hand.

It Started With a Whisper- A Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now