Chapter Four- Chinese Takeaway and Butterfly Kisses

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After I spilled my story to Niall we decided to make some dinner. I followed him into the kitchen, sniffing and wiping my eyes on the way.

"What sounds good, babe?" Niall asked me, looking through the fridge. "I don't have muc hfood actually, schocking, I know. I haven't had time to go to the store." He scratched his head in that way that I had grown to love, despite the fact we have known eachother for a short time. I smiled to myself. "Ash. Earth to Ash." Niall waved his hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my trance.

"Sorry, what?"

"I don't have enough food for a meal for two. How about we order takeaway Chinese. Do you like Chinese food?"

"Like it? I love it!" I grinned. "Get me whatever the noodles, chicken, and veggies thing is called. Thats my favorite."

"Me too!" Niall exclaimed, picking up his phone and dialing the number. He ordered for us and twenty minutes later we were seated on the sofa enjoying the hot food.

"Oh my God, this is so good!" I moaned through a mouthful of food. "Here, try it." I grabbed a wad of noodles with my chopsticks and waved it in front of Niall's face. He snatched the noodles right off it and groaned.

"Why didn't I get the noodles?!" He exclaimed, grabbing at my box of food.

"Whoa, buddy, none for you!" I moved my box out of his reach.

"I'll share mine with you." He pleaded.

"Mmmm........ no." I smirked, leaning further away as Niall reached over my body to try and grab my food.

"Whyyyyy?" He whined.



"Niall!" I mimicked.



"Pwease?" He gave me his best pouty lip. I sighed.


"Yay!" He shouted, grabbing my box of food and shoving his box into my hands.

"Jesus, Ni, calm- Holy shit what did you get my mouth is on fire?!" I dropped the box on the table and ran to the kitchen, sticking my head under the faucet, gulping the water. In teh background I heard Niall laughing. I went back into the living room and snatched my noodles from Niall. He frowned. "None for you. Thats what you get when you give me spicy food." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Try this." Niall picked up another box of food and fished out a piece of chicken, holding it up for me to eat. I bit into it, savoring the flavor.

"That is delicious." I commented. "Hey, wanna know what would be fun?" I ran into the kitchen and came back with a cloth napkin I had found earlier.

"Whats that for?"

"You." I wrapped the napkin around his eyes. "Can you see?"

"No, theres a frickin napkin around my eyes." He muttered in his adorable Irish accent.

"Good." I picked up a box and picked up some orange chicken. "Open your mouth." I demanded. He refused, a smirk on his lips. I stabbed the sticky chicken on his cheek.

"Hey!" Right when he yelled I jammed the chicken in his mouth. I giggled. " I hate you. But this chicken his heavenly."

I picked another box off the table and fed him some more food from the various containers from the takeaway. After about 8 minutes, Niall spoke again.

"Your turn." He untied the napkin and gently tied it around my head. I smiled at him, opening my mouth. I heard him chuckle before he fed me some noodles.

It Started With a Whisper- A Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now