Chapter 6- A Good Magician Never Tells

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I sat in silence, hoping that they would leave the living room long enough for me to escape and make a dash for my room, but luck was not on my side. Louis refused to leave the sofa, declaring himself the lookout.

“Guys, she’s not up here.” Zayn called from upstairs.

“Not in the kitchen.” Niall added, mouthful of crisps.

“I haven’t seen a trace of her anywhere.” Liam said.

“I haven’t spotted her either.” Harry wrung his hands together. “Have we checked here in the living room?”

“No, we would have seen her come in.” Louis said.

“Are you sure?”


“Well, we better check outside then.” Harry sighed, heading straight for the closet I was in. I prayed he would not open the closet door, but he did. “Ashlyn?” He gaped at the sight of me.

“Surprise?” I smiled weakly.

“Why didn’t you listen and stay up there?”

“I wanted to know what was going on. I don’t want you all to fight because of me.” I cried as they all gathered around the closet door. “I want you all to stay best friends even if that means I have to leave and stop being around you guys. Even if it means you all forgetting me. But I could never forget you.” I stood up and shuffled me feet awkwardly.

“I know you think we could forget you, but there is no way, ever.” Niall hugged me tightly. “Sorry for calling you a slut. It was mean and nasty of me. And I should have known that you aren’t the type of girl to do that because you’re the nicest and most genuine girl I’ve ever met, truly, the best person. I’m so glad to have met you. You can always stay.” I smiled, squeezing him back, then I let go.

“Thanks, Niall, for giving me the benefit of the doubt.”

“I just want to know how she snuck in without us knowing!” Louis exclaimed, crossing his arms. We all laughed.

“A good magician never tells their secrets.” I said with a wink.

“No fair! I want to know!” Louis protested.

“Maybe someday.” I teased, dancing my way into the kitchen. I poked my head in the fridge, looking for something to munch on. I found some watermelon and dug in. Niall came into the kitchen and say down next to me. After a few moments of silence, he spoke.

"I'm really sorry. I can't tell you how sorry I am. I hope you're not mad at me." He ran a hand through his hair, avoiding eye contact.

"Niall, I could never stay mad at you." I confessed, looking up at him. His eyes snapped over  to meet mine.


"Reall really." I said with a smile. He tackled me with a hug, knocking both of us off the chairs and onto the flood with a loud thud.

"Is everyone okay?" Liam came rushing in, frantic. I laughed

"We're fine, Liam. Niall just lauched himself at me in an attack hug and knocked us off the chairs." I explained through my giggles.

"Oh, I thought they were doing the dirty on the floor here in teh kitchen. Kinky." Louis winked and I blushed.

"Lou!" I exclaimed, throwing a chunk of watermelon at him.

"Oh no you didn't!" He yelled, jumping up to chase me. I screamed and ran around the kitchen with Lou hot on my tail.

"Niall save me!" I yelled while giggling. "Help!" I dashed behind Niall, grabbing his leg like a koala bear. "Lou, you can't get me! Niall's safe!" I screamed as Louis tried to pry me off Niall's leg.

"Why me?!" Niall whined

"Why not?" Harry smirked, waggling his eyebrows at me.

"You're an awful human being." I chipped, rolling my eyes at him.

"Shit guys, I'm falling!" Niall yelled as he came crashing down ontop of me. I braced myself for the impact, but it never came. I opened my eyes to see Niall's body hovering over mine. I breathed a sigh of relief. "You better be greatful. My bulging biceps just saved your life." He smirked. I poked his arm, giving myself an excuse to feel up his muscles. Hm, impressive.

"Eh, I've seen better." I winked, rolling out from underneath him. Niall was frozen in place, mouth agape. "Careful babe, or you'll catch bugs." I smirked, taking my finger under his chin and shutting his mouth.

"You've been hanging around Louis alot haven't you?" Niall demanded.


"You're way sassy."

"Bitch, please. I've always been sassy." I scoffed, swaying my hips as I walked out of the kitchen.

'Mmmmm. Dat ass." I heard Harry mutter. I heard someone slap him. "Ow! Seriously. You can't deny it!" I heard another slap before I laughed out loud.

"I can hear you guys, y'know!" I called right before I shut my door. I laid on my bed and smiled. I had the best friends.

Hi its Audrey!

I know its really short, but I promise the nxt will be longer! Tonight I'm going to the MSU v. Boise State game, so I have to get ready. GO GREEN! :)

as always please remember to.....




thanks for reading :)

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