Chapter Sixteen- Ice Queen

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We all piled into the van, heading back to Harry’s flat to watch movies and maybe play some games. I sat up front with Harry, who was gently tracing circles on the back of my hand with my thumb. It was a simple gesture, but comforting nonetheless.

The entire ride was nothing but Caramine and Niall flirting shamelessly behind me, and it really irritated me. Shes such a blonde! I frowned, staring out the window. Harry squeezed my hand, looking at me worriedly. I flashed him a fake smile, which seemed to pass as real, as he smiled back and looked back at the road.

We pulled up to the building and all piled out of the car, Harry handing the keys to the valet. We walked up to the flat hand in hand, Niall and Caramine following uncomfortably close behind. The other boys followed behind them, whispering about something related to the band, I assume. Harry unlocked the door, letting us all in. I collapsed on the sofa, burying my face in the soft pillow. I heard Harry laugh behind me, lifting me up to rest my head in his lap.

“Can I remind you how beautiful you look today?” I snorted. “Ashlyn, you really do look beautiful, just like always.” He kissed the top of my head. I felt guilty. I still loved Niall, but I was dating Harry, who clearly really liked me. I didn’t want to hurt him, but I felt like I was being completely unfair to him. But he knew how I felt about Niall and was willing to take everything slow and at whatever pace I needed, which was really sweet of him. I was so lucky to have a boy like him in my life.

I rolled over, looking Harry in the eyes as I reached up, playing with his curls. He smiled down at me with that smile that was just so infectious. I grinned back as he tried to lick my hand. “Ew, stop!” I giggled, pulling my hand away quickly. “You’re gross.” I teased.

“But you love me anyways.” He grinned and kissed me softly, sweetness oozing from his lips. I saw this longing in his eyes when I pulled away that I couldn’t place, but it made me feel guilty again. I glanced at the others, who were all staring silently at me and Harry. As soon as they realized I had caught them they all tried to look busy. Caramine didn’t look away though, she just had a contemplative look as she studied me. It made me squirm in discomfort.

“So, want to pop in a film?” Louis asked, breaking the silence. We all nodded.

“Toy Story!” Liam exclaimed, bouncing in his seat. I laughed lightly at him.

“Only if it’s the third one!” I agreed. “That one is my favorite.”

“Toy story is just so childish.” Caramine yawned. I recoiled, taken slightly aback that she had the audacity to challenge majority rules.

“Yeah, it is.” Niall agreed, resting his arm around her shoulders. My mouth hung open along with Liam’s.

“Niall, I thought you loved Toy Story too?” Liam looked slightly hurt by his words, but tried to hide it.

“Its just okay.”

I stared at him incredulously. When did he become an asshole? What on earth was this Caramine girl doing to him? I looked at Liam sadly, he was sitting alone in a chair fidgeting uncomfortably. I couldn’t help but wonder what was going on in that Irish head of his.

Niall’s POV

When Ashlyn had found me on the phone after the interview I had been on the phone with Caramine, telling her to come to the studio to talk, as our plan just got messed up. Looks like I won’t be trying to win her back with a fancy romantic dinner date. Ashlyn looked gorgeous, the black, lace dress she wore accented her body just right, and the heels made her legs look damn fine. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her, then I remembered that now she is Harry’s. Seriously? What the hell?! I couldn’t believe the bastard did that to me. Ashlyn and I were supposed to be together not Harry and Ashlyn. Right as Ashlyn was about to speak, Caramine walked in wearing a rocking dress. She looked great, but still had nothing on Ashlyn. I sighed, but plastered a big grin on my face, introducing the two girls. I saw something unreadable flash in Ashlyn’s eyes, but she greeted Cara with a huge smile, being almost sickly sweet. After making the proper introductions, I introduced her to the boys, asking if she could join our time together tonight. They all uneasily agreed, and with that, we were off to Harry’s.

When we got there, Ashlyn flopped on the sofa, face first. Harry went over to her cuddling her, making her smile. That should be me, not him! She rolled over, playing with his curls. I could see the love in Harry’s eyes, making my own burn with jealousy. She giggled as Harry whispered sweet nothings to her. He tried to lick her hand, but it just turned into a flirt fest. Then he slowly leaned down and kissed her on the lips. I closed my eyes as complete and utter envy coursed through my veins. I placed my arm around Caramine’s shoulder right as Ashlyn looked my way. She stared for a split second, then quickly looked away, focusing on Harry.

Liam said he wanted to watch Toy Story again, and Ashlyn agreed, as long as it was the third one.

“Toy Story is so childish.” Caramine yawned. My eyes widened. She winked at me, and I realized I was to go along with it. I looked at Liam who looked kind of upset.

“Yeah I agree.” I commented. Liam met my eyes, hurt written all over his face. Shit. What have I done?

“Niall, I thought you liked Toy Story?” I couldn’t look him in the eyes.

“Its just okay.” I stared at my hands.

Ashlyn stared at me, looking intently. “Niall, you’re lying.”

“Excuse me?” I asked.

“You’re lying, I see it in your eyes.” Shit. She caught me. “You love Toy Story. I know you do. You told me yourself. Now, put in the damn DVD and I’ll get some drinks. Harry, what do you want?” She went around the room asking what everyone wanted, then went into the kitchen, coming back with the drinks. When she got to Caramine, she handed her her beverage.

“Um, ice?”

“Sorry, I didn’t know you wanted any.”

“Um, Why did the rest of them get ice?”

“I make them drinks all the time.” She replied coolly

.”So can I have some ice?”

“Sorry, theres no more.” I saw Louis bite back a laugh, and I tried not to laugh myself.

Caramine rolled her eyes, then stared at the screen. I pulled her close to me, kissing the top of her head lightly. She smiled, snuggling into my chest. Maybe this was good. Maybe I should give up on Ashlyn, she clearly moved on and is happy, so why can’t I be?

Sorry its kind of short. I'm having a slight writer's block, I'm trying to decide what will come next, so I kind of think its a little bit of a filler chapter. Thank you so much for reading. Please:


It Started With a Whisper- A Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now