Chapter Nine- Girls Night

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After I explained everything that happened, Zayn decided what I really needed was a girl’s night, so we went to the supermarket to stock up on probably ten pints of Ben and Jerry’s and bought the movie Leap Year, Crazy, Stupid, Love, and The Vow. At his flat he already had Love, Actually, the Titanic, and The Notebook for us to watch. I found it slightly humorous that he wanted to have a girls night with me.

So there we were, cuddling up in a billion blankets with our ice creams ogling over chick flicks. I was definitely feeling the emotion as I ate my chocolate therapy flavor ice cream (oh the irony) while watching the Titanic. That movie is just so sad! I had curled up next to Zayn, leaning my head on his shoulder as I licked the ice cream out of the container. Zayn chuckled.

“You eat that so weird.”

“It makes it last longer.”

“Ah.” Zayn replied, smirk on his face.

“Stop making fun of me. You’re a bully.” I scowled, removing myself from his side and scooting to the opposite end of the couch.

“Aw, Ash, you know Im just kidding…”  I remained silent. “Ash, don’t ignore me.” Zayn pleaded. I looked over and met his eyes. Which was a terrible choice. He had the best puppy eyes I have ever seen going. I felt my face soften as I scooted back over to lean on him once more. “Yay! You’re not mad anymore!” He cheered, handing me a spoon. “Now eat your ice cream like a normal person.” I scowled, then smirked. “Why are you smirking?” I reached up, ruffled his hair and booked it out of the living room. “AHHH YOU MESSED UP MY HAIR!” he screeched, running out, trying to find me. I ducked into the nearest closet, burying myself with the clothes that were in there. “I will find you and destroy you!” His voice rang through the house. I giggled quietly burrowing into the sweatshirts that were Zayn’s. They smelled like him, it was comforting. The doorbell rang.”I’ve got it!” Zayn yelled, running to the door.

“Zayn, don’t shut the door. Is Ashlyn here?” My breathing hitched as I heard the familiar Irish accent. There was a moment of silence.

“Yes.” What the- The traitor! “But you can’t see her.” I sighed in relief.


“She doesn’t want to see you right now, mate.” Zayn replied in an even tone.

“I have to explain-“

“-Listen, Niall, I know you mean well, but you need to let her sort her thoughts and feelings out. This is a big change for her. Just a week ago she was a normal girl living the college life and now shes friends with five of the most famous boys in the world. It’s a huge difference. She needs a little time and space, please respect that.”

“Zayn, you don’t understand-“

“-No, I don’t think you understand.” Zayn said coldly before shutting the door. Niall banged on it for a while, then stopped, I assume he went home. I crawled out of the closet to see Zayn cleaning up our ice cream and popcorn mess. I silently went over to him, helping clean. He looked up in surprise, but said nothing.

“I’m sorry I caused your relationship with Niall to be a little strained at the moment.” Zayn just nodded his head in understanding. “I really appreciate you standing up for me like you did. For protecting me.” He sighed and looked at me, holding me a shoulders length apart from him.

“I did what was right. I respected your wishes, and told him what he needed to know. I know hes upset, but maybe it will change his attitude and he will realize what he is missing. He will see you for who you are, the smart, funny, and beautiful girl who waltzed into his life one night.” He smiled sadly at me before continuing to clean up.

“I hope so.” I mumbled before flopping on the couch and falling asleep.

Sorry its Short! But I thought it was a good place to stop before the next part I'm planning out.

Take a guess at whats gonna happen next! Please:




Thanks for reading :)

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