Chapter Twenty- The Buzzkill

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Niall’s POV

I looked down at the beautiful girl in my arms. I was so lucky to have met her, and even more lucky that she had forgiven me so many times when I did wrong. She rested her head on my chest as I sang quietly into her ear the familiar lyrics of Little Things. We swayed slowly. Ashlyn looked up suddenly, staring into my eyes with a look that I had never seen before. But I knew exactly what it was. Love. I smiled at her, and she beamed back at me. I hadn’t realized that we had stopped dancing until just then, but I didn’t care that we were the only ones in the middle of the dance floor stood still. I was lost in her eyes. They were irresistible. I heard people counting down from ten in the background, but that was nothing.

“I love you.” I whispered, leaning in close, resting my forehead on hers.

“I love you more.” She breathed on my lips in a way that drove me wild.

“HAPPY NEW YEAR!” People shouted. Glasses clinked, cheers went around, hugs were passed out. But all I saw was Ashlyn.

Our lips molded together in a perfect way that send shivers down my spine and fireworks in my stomach. All I could focus on was the feeling of her lips on mine, it was the most magical feeling in the world. She pulled away, eyes sparkling. No, not yet. I swooped down to kiss her again, but was pulled away by a hand on my shoulder. I turned to meet Harry’s green eyes.

“If you two don’t mind, can you stop sucking face for two seconds to let me wish you a Happy New Year?” He teased, clapping my on the shoulder. Ashlyn flushed a deep shade of red. Harry gave me a big hug. “Happy New Year, mate.” He walked over to Ashlyn, kissing her on the cheek before hugging her tightly. “And Happy New Year to you too.” He grinned. “Lads, its clear, take the moment while its available!” Harry shouted across the dance floor to the other three, who immediately rushed over.

“Happy New Year.” They all cheered as they engulfed me in a bone crushing hug. I stumbled slightly and laughed, patting them all on the shoulder before they each gave Ashlyn a hug separately.

“Later, Nialler. You may return to playing tonsil hockey.” Louis winked before dashing off, a smart move, as I would have punched his shoulder. I turned back to Ashlyn who had a small smile on her face.

“Hey, gorgeous.” I pulled her close to me so our bodies were squished on eacothers.

“Hi, handsome.” She mumbled shyly.

“I’m a little bored, lets ditch this party. What do you say?” She nodded. I signaled at the other boys before leading her off the rooftop and down the stairs to the elevator, which we rode all the way down to street level. “We’ll stop by the house and you can switch your dress into something club appropriate. The boys don’t want to be done partying quite yet. Unless you don’t want to. We can stay in.” I suggested with a shrug of my shoulders.

“No, its fine.” She smiled at me, leaning her head on my shoulder as we walked. “As long as I’m with you I don’t care.” I smiled.

We walked up to the flat where Ashlyn popped into the closet to change her dress. I sat on the bed, scrolling through the tweets fans send me. Some were funny, some were sweet, and some were dirty, and some were just plain rude. My eyes stopped when I saw one.

“@Ashlynnn324 @NiallOfficial what a cutie <3” It was a picture of me from a couple seconds ago sitting on the bed, smiling. I looked up to see the closet door slightly cracked open. I smirked, stood, and tiptoed over to the door. I pushed it open and grabbed Ashlyn, swinging her in a circle before setting her down gently. She had her hand pressed against her heart in shock and a playful scowl on her face.

It Started With a Whisper- A Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now