Chapter 2- Believe

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I woke up in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room. "Oh shit." I whispered, shooting into a sitting position. "Owwww." My head was pounding. I looked down. Clothes on, but not my own. Shit. I frantically tried to remember what happened last night, but I couldn't. "Dammit!" I ran my hands through my hair.

"Oh, you're awake." I turned to face a brown haired boy sitting on the chair. "Want some food?"

"Um, who are you?" I demanded. "And where am I? Did I come home with you? Do I even know you? Oh God, I've been kidnapped. Shit! I'm-"

"I'm Louis, Niall's friend. He said you two got plastered last night. He had me watch over you while he ran to the store to buy more painkillers because he didn't have enough and he also wasn't sure what kind you preferred, so he wanted to get a bunch of kinds. I think he really likes you."

"Louis, we met last night."

"So? Love at first sight." I snorted, rolling over to face him more comfortably. "I'm serious."

"Yeah. Whatever. So you never answered me, where am I?"

"Niall's flat."

"Mmmm." I closed my eyes for a second before sliding out of bed. "Whose clothes are these?"

Louis looked up from his phone just long enough to tell me, "Niall's, I think."

"Cool. I need food. Get me food." He looked up again and grinned.

"You are destined to be."

"What?" I never got an answer because with that he scurried out of the bedroom in a flash. I rolled my eyes and followed him out the door. "Lou?"

"Over here?" He called, voice echoing from down the hall. I followed the sound, looking at things as I slowly made my way down the hallway. There were pictures of Niall, his friends, his family, and pictures of him with four other boys that made their way into alot of pictures. I studied them carefully, trying to place them. Then it dawned on me.

"Oh, shit!" I yelled.

"Ashlyn?" Lou called, concern in his voice. "Are you okay?" I didn't reply, hand flying to my mouth. "Ashlyn?" Lou came up to me, grabbing my face in his hands, searching my eyes. "Whats wrong?"

"Whats wrong?! Shit, man, you're Louis from One Direction, Niall's friend from last night was Harry, he talked about the rest, got plastered with Niall from One freaking Direction, and OH MY GOD I MIGHT HAVE HAD A ONE NIGHT STAND WITH NIALL. Oh my God I am so screwed, what if I am pregnant? What will happen? Oh my God I am such a dumbass! I-" I was interrupted my the laughter of none other than Niall. My face flushed.

"Ash, nothing happened. We both had way too much to drink, Liam came and got us and took us back here. Then-"

"How did I get in these clothes?"

Niall's face turned red. "Well, erm, Ikindofswitchedyourclothesforyou." He siad in a rush, awkwardly scratching the hack of his head in a way that I couldn't help but find adorable.

"You creep!" I laughed throwing the nearest object at him, which happened to be the oven mitt that had been on Louis' hand.

"You're not mad?" He asked. I paused to think, wondering which bra and panties I was wearing. Remembering they were cute, I replied,

"Not really. Just keep it in your pants, Horan." I teased.

"I like her." Lou blurted. I blushed. "AWW LOOK AT HER SHE'S BLUSHING."

"Lou, leave her be." Niall chuckled.

"I'll leave you two be." He waggled his eyebrows and left.

It Started With a Whisper- A Niall Horan Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang