Chapter 19- Right Where I Belong

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Ashlyn’s POV

Niall and I had been dating for about 2 months now, and there is no denying that it was the best few months of my life. We were so happy. The media went nuts when they found out about the whole ordeal, but I didn’t even care because I was with Niall finally and that’s all that matters. He made me so happy.

I sat in my closet, raking my eyes through my clothes, trying to pick out an outfit for tonight. Niall was taking me out to a fancy party tonight for New Year’s Eve, but I couldn’t pick an outfit. I tried on dress after dress, trying to find the perfect one. I had worn so many of them so frequently, and this time I just wanted to blow him away. I sighed, frustrated, but continued searching. That’s when a light pink material caught my eye. I reached into the back of my closet, pulling the dress off the rack. I ran my eyes over the dress, remembering exactly why and when I bought it.

I was at the mall with Eleanor, shopping. We had gone to an innumerable amount of shops that day, but the last one on our stop was special. We went in and tried on all of the fancy dresses, laughing at some, oohing and ahhing at others, but this one was different. I had put it on and it fit like a glove. It was the most gorgeous dress I had ever seen in my life. I walked out of the dressing room and Eleanor’s jaw dropped. She asked me if I was going anywhere fancy in the near future that I could wear it to. I didn’t. She made me buy it anyways because a dress like that only comes around once in a lifetime. Slightly overdramatic, but its Eleanor.  ( the dress)

I grinned widely, knowing that this was the perfect opportunity to wear this dress. I sat down at my vanity in my room, brushing through my long hair, then putting it in hot rollers to curl it into perfection, a trick I learned from the boy’s stylist Lou.

I had moved back in with Niall, much to everyone’s delight, my own included. We had decorated my room, painting it Tiffany blue with a white lace patter over it with quotes on the walls in black in our own handwritings.  It was amazing.

Anyways, as I sat there all alone, I stared in the mirror, trying to decide how I wanted to do my make up. I would call Eleanor, but she is at a modeling job right now and can’t answer the phone. I shut my eyes, rubbed my temples, and tried to think. Zayn.

I picked up the phone , dialing the familiar number. “Hello?” Zayn’s soothing voice filled my ears.

“Hey, can you come over and help me?”

“Sure, I’ll be right there.” I hung up and sat back down, resting my chin on my hands as I awaited the Bradford boy’s arrival.

The door burst open to reveal a grinning boy. “Oh, that’s beautiful.” He commented, pointing at my dress. “Okay, lets get to work.”

I say quietly and patiently as Zayn worked his magic. He sang softly to me as he worked and it was beautiful. It calmed my nerves and made me relax. He knew just the right things to do to make me feel better. I was so fortunate to have such a great friend as him.

“There. Take a look.” He spun me around in the chair so I was facing my mirror.

It Started With a Whisper- A Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now