Chapter 8

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We’re all going for a hunt. Jasper decided to go back to mine and Char’s way of hunting, feeding off of the scum of the humans. I’m looking forward to take B to the vampire club. Jaspers been to one before, but B has never experienced it before, I don’t even know if she drank when she was a human. I’m sure when she was with Eddie boy, he wouldn’t allow it because it would taint her blood, so it wouldn’t be the same for him. Not many of our kind know  we can drink alcohol, we have to drink a lot more then humans to get a little drunk. When we told B she was ecstatic. She still doesn’t believe that there is a bar just for vampires, but she will soon.

Bella was amazing when she hunted, she shielded us amazingly so we could ear everyone’s thoughts, it was crazy at first until we focused on one. We all got rid of a couple of the scum of the humans.

When we arrived at the vampire bar, everyone went a bit tense with the scars on me, Char and Jasper, aswel as them knowing who we are. I wonder what they would be like when they find out the goddess of war is here aswel as mated to the god of war. They all feared the day when the Major would find his mate, little did they know today is the day they will find out.

Jasper, Bella and Char went to find a table while I order us some drinks, when a guy came up to me. “Who’s that girl who the major is with, I would love some of that” he whispered in to my ear, obviously afraid that the major would hear him and rip him a new one. “That would be the goddess of war. The majors mate” I whispered back into his ear with a smile on my face. He went pale, if that was even possible for our kind. “crap” He whispered to himself. I grabbed our drink and walked over to my mate, Jasper and B.

B and Char have become great friends, they act like sister, which I’m happy about, Char as always been with me and Jasper, so it’s nice to see her have a female to talk to. Me and Jasper was deep in a conversation when Char dragged Bella onto the dance floor, and both started grinding against each other, they was up there for about 5 minutes, when some idiot decided to grope Char’s arse, I was ready to kill the mother fucker, until Char turned around and kneed him in his groin. You may think It wouldn’t hurt us vampires, but It does if its another vampire that gives you the knee.

Me and Jasper started laughing at him until, they was both surrounded by males, we was up within seconds ready to defend our mates,  that was until we saw Char and Bella removing limbs. I thought we would have to train B, but I guess we don’t, she looked like she had been in the southern vampire wars, after they all had their arms removed B and Char came skipping over to us like nothing had happened, me and Jasper was just staring at them with our jaws slack. That was until Jasper noticed bite marks on B’s arm, his eyes went jet black, the major was out now, and nobody could stop him and with, the major out Iz will come out aswel, they will always trigger each other off. To our look B noticed this and started calming him down, before Iz could come out and destroy us all.

Jasper came back and took care of Bella’s bites, I checked Char and she had 2 new bites. After taking care of our mates we left, not before we all eared someone laughing at them. “You do realise that was the goddess of war, The majors mate and the Lieutenant, the captains mate, you all just surrounded” They all just gasped knowing what shit could come after them after surrounding our mates. We all left laughing at them. “You know I was looking forward to a good night out, before we have to face the Cullen’s. Stupid hormonal vampires” B seethed. I could tell she wasn’t happy, and I could tell she wasn’t looking forward seeing the Cullen’s. We planned to leave tomorrow, to be there for when they come back from there animal munching hunt.


When those lads started groping Char, I was going to start removing limbs, that was until char kneed him in his groin. I was happy dancing again with her, but we had to be interrupted again, by been surrounded by males ready for a fight. Me and Char looked at each other, I opened up my mind to her and told her This crap aint happening, I can hold myself don’t worry about me. After I told her that we both started removing limbs, we both got bit once or twice, I didn’t realise until afterward that I didn’t have my physical shield up around the both of us.

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