Chapter 14

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“Are we all ready to go back?” Peter asked us. We all just nodded are heads. “Do you have to go?” Sarah asked me. “Sure do. I miss Texas. You and Rylie are welcome to visit with the other” I told her while giving her a hug goodbye. “Ok, you have my number, we’ll stay in touch” I was going to miss her. “Sure thing”

“We’ll visit soon” Carlisle told us before we all piled into my Audi RS 7. “Ok. See you soon” Jasper told them.

“You sure put them in their place the other day B” Char chuckled. “Well they had it coming. I’m not the same Bella anymore” I told her while driving out of Alaska.  “You had to see them when you left, they was all shitting themselves. Sarah was defiantly enjoying the show. Carlisle put Esme in her place though. I think he knew if she carried on telling you what to do, you would kill her. She still told him that you’re her daughter and you needed to start doing as she tells you.” Peter told me, I slammed the brakes down. “Woah there darlin” Jasper told me stopping himself from ruining my car. “She said what!” I hissed at Peter. “Ok maybe I shouldn’t of said that” Peter mumbled. “No shit” Jasper told him. “She said what Peter?” I asked him again. “That you’re her daughter and it’s about time you started doing as she tells you” I turned the car back around and sped all the way back to the Cullen’s.

“You forget something?” Sarah asked us, after we got out the car. “No I just found something out. Listen Esme, I’m not your daughter, never have and never will be. It’s about time you get that into your head. I will not do what you tell me to, so next time you want to talk about me don’t do it around my family who would tell me what you had to say” I hissed at her. “What are you going on about Bella?” Esme asked me pretending she didn’t know what I was on about. “Let me recap that head of your shall I? ‘She is my daughter and she needs to start doing as I tell her’ does that ring a bell Esme?”  She looked at Peter with a death glare “I don’t know what you’re on about Bella” I noticed Jasper, Peter and Char with smiles on their face’s knowing if she didn’t admit it she would be dead. I looked at the other Cullen’s Edward had a smile on his face thinking I wouldn’t do anything to Esme. So I made a decision to attack Esme then Edward and Alice, but saving Alice till last to torture her, ripping her apart slowly and painfully. 2 seconds later Alice went in to a vision, when she came back Alice looked at me. “You wouldn’t dare” She hissed at me. “Are you sure about that? You wouldn’t have had the vision if I wouldn’t” I told her walking up to her slowly. Within seconds Edward was lunging at me, but Jasper was faster, he had him pinned against the wall. “I dare you to attack my mate again little boy” Edward looked at me and I just smiled at him.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Alice lunging towards Jasper. I grabbed her arm and pulled her to my chest so she could watch. “That was a very dumb ass move there Alice. What did you think to save Edward you had to get Jasper off of him. Did you forget he had a mate?” I hissed in her ear while making her watch Jasper send Edward all the pain and fear he could. “Emmett stop him” Alice shouted. I looked at Emmett and Rose they both had smiles on their faces. “Carlisle please” Carlisle didn’t dare move. “Rylie, anybody get this stupid little bitch off of me” Alice hissed I grabbed her left hand and ripped a finer off of her. That was all it took for Edward to push all the pain and fear away from himself and lunge at me. I chucked Alice over to Peter so he could keep a hold of her, while I grabbed Edward by him arm and ripped it off. “Are you sure you want to do this Eddie boy?” I hissed at him. “Go on Bella kick his arse” Emmett boomed at me, I just smiled at him. “Oh poor Eddie, he can’t read my mind so he doesn’t know what I’m going to do, at least it will be a fair fight, no gifts” I hissed at him. I smiled at him and let Iz come forth while keeping myself out at the same time. Let the fight begin.


“Shit. There working together” Peter hissed while he still had a hold on Alice. I looked at Bella and noticed Iz was out at the same time. Shit, Edward’s as good as dead now. I notice she smiled at Edward and took a step towards him, who took a step back. I could tell his instincts was telling him to run. “You want to run don’t you, but you want revenge for your mate. For god sake she had her finger ripped off, it can be re-attached, but you, you might not be able to be re-attached” Bella hissed at him. I could tell by his emotions that if he was human he would of shit himself.

He got down into a crouch and lunged at her. Alice got out of Peter’s hold while he was pre-occupied watching Bella and Edward. She lunged at Bella which she was expecting. She had them both pinned down on the floor. “Like you saw Alice, I will not hesitate to kill you. I came back for one reason and one reason only. That was to talk to Esme. Now I suggest you both fuck off” She let go of them and walked back over to me, Peter and Char by her car. “So Esme does it ring a bell?” Bella asked her again. “I’m sorry Bella. I realise now you aren’t the Bella we knew” Esme told her before walking in to the house.

After saying Bye again to everyone, we got back in to the car to head back to home sweet home, with my beautiful and powerful mate and brother and sister.

True Mates - Jasper/Bella [Completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant