Chapter 6

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Bella finally woke up after having 9 hours sleep, the first thing she demanded was a break for her human needs, which isn't surprising. We are a few miles away from Peter and Chars ranch, since Bella as been awake Char and Bella have been talking about shopping, I've never seen this side of Bella before but when I asked her she told me she doesn't really like shopping with 'the pixie bitch' because Alice demands she has these stuff which she doesn't like so she just wears ugly clothes so Alice thinks she doesn't like fashion. To say I was shocked would be an understatement, I am defiantly looking forward to seeing my Bella all dressed up, I'm not saying she doesn't look beautiful now, but this new Bella sounds like she will be fun, she's defiantly not the Bella everyone thought she was, she's devilish, funny, unpredictable, she's defiantly kept me, Peter and Char on our toes.

*At the ranch*

We was at the ranch for 5 minutes before Bella near enough dragged Char out to buy new clothes, she admitted to me that she has a black card with enough money, I asked why she never mentioned it was because her dad demanded her to keep it quiet, for some reason she doesn't really like talking about Charlie, I will have to ask her about it. While the women was out shopping me and Peter had everything ready for Bella's change within a couple of minutes with our vampire speed, so we decided to just relax in the garden.

"So Major, what we going to do about the Cullen's, when they find out about Bella been a vampire aswel as her been on our natural food source they aren't going to take it well"

"I don't know Peter, they will just have to accept it, I've already got the divorce paper for Alice. I still can't believe you sent me 50 years fucking early you fucker"

"Sorry man, she was waiting for you for 5 years before that, she was gonna give up and I couldn't do that, this was how things had to go"

"Yeah well it's all over now man. Time to enjoy my life of eternity with my mate and family, it will defiantly be fun with you and Bella at each other's necks"

"she's a fire cracker, i'll give her that. She's defiantly part of this family. You are aware there are things going on with her 'dad' that nobody knows about"

"I figured there was something, I just don't know what"

2 hours later the girls walk in with 10 bags in each hand.

"Are they all for Bella?" I asked.

"Yeah, I told you I like shopping"

She looked beautiful, she had stilettos on with black skinny jeans with a grey vest top on with jewellery on.

"Well, you defiantly look stunning"

"Cheers Jazz, so me and Char are going to put these away"

After Bella and Char put her clothes away they both came downstairs laughing about something.

"What's so funny?" Peter asked them

"Nothing you need to worry about Pete, just girls stuff"

"Yeah, I bet now I need to talk to you about your change Bella, and some things you aren't gonna like, so brace yourself"

She nodded and sat on my lap and snuggled up to me.

"Well, little-bit, first off do you want to speak about your dad?"

Straight away I felt Bella stiffen in my arm.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, my Yoda as been going nuts, so I think there is defiantly something"

"Fine...... My dad abused me from birth because my birth mum died while giving birth to me. Renee isn't my biological mum, they re-married when I was 5, he was abusing her aswel because she wasn't my biological mum. Renee took me away at the age of 6, when i was 17 I moved back with my dad because Renee re-married and I thought she deserved alone time with Phil, I thought he would stop the abuse, with it been 17 years ago but, little did I know he still held the grudge against me and always blamed me, he......"

"He what darlin?" I asked her.

"He raped me a number of time" She whispered.

"HE WHAT!" Char jumped up from her seat with her fist clench at side of her.

"Char calmed down, when he tried it when I moved back, he learnt I booted him in his balls, and called him a dirty little basted, he hasn't tried anything since just punches me in my stomach, so nobody knows"

I didn't know what to say, my gorgeous, sexy, mate has been through a lot.

"Wait your telling me he raped you when you was no younger than 6?" Peter asked

She nodded her head.

"Is that it?" Peter asked.

"Yep, except when I told you Charlie knew about my black card he doesn't, It from Renee and Phil. god it feels better to get it off my chest"

"Ok, well the other things we need to talk about Bella is 'Iz'"

"How do you know about Iz?"

"I know you know what she is to you, I also know that she was the one who got you to meet the Cullen's, I also know that you are the same as Major here, with his other side"

"Well you know a lot then what about her?"

"When your changed, you will be known as the goddess of war, just like Jasper is known as the god of war. When you get into dangerous situation, she will come forth and push you back and she will control your body, she's dangerous and knows how to fight, just like when Jaspers comes forward, so I needed to prepare you for that"

"Yeah I know she told me all of this earlier"

"Oh ok, another thing is your diet..... You won't be able to be on the vegetarian, you will need to be on mine and Chars diet, the reason is because of your gift I'm not going to tell you what they are they will be a surprise for you, anyway if you are on the vegetarian diet, you would not be able to use your gifts and they need to be there for you, I don't know why but they do need to be used at all times"

"Ok, I was expecting this, Iz told me I'm and mental and physical shield, I will be able to tap into others thoughts and project my own"

"Yeah, aswel as others, Is there anything you want to talk about before Jasper here changes you?"


"Well lets go, Jasper are you ready? You can go up on your own"

I grabbed Bella and walked upstairs into our bedroom, Bella laid down on the bed. Bella decided she wanted to make love before I changed her, which I wasn't to fussed about.

After stripping myself and Bella naked, I made love to my beautiful mate, when my release was close I bit into her neck. After removing myself from her I bit her wrists and ankles, time to wait.....

"I love you Bella"

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