Chapter 13

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After Bella and Jasper left, I started thinking everything Iz had just told her was right. She’s not the same Bella anymore and she doesn’t listen to anyone’s orders.

“She’s right you know” I told everyone. The wolves was just quiet obviously deep in thought. “She’s my daughter and she needs to realise that” Esme told me, I hate been nasty to her but it’s either that or Iz will not think twice before turning her to ash. “She’s not Esme. I’m sorry for saying this but she’s not the same Bella anymore she’s the goddess of war and she doesn’t listen to anyone. If you carry on telling her what to do Iz will show up again” Carlisle told her. Everyone was deep in thought until Sam spoke. “So she’s the goddess of war, we’ve all heard about, who’s lethal?” I just nodded my head.

I didn’t like that Esme was losing a daughter but, it’s either her loose a daughter or her be a pile of ash, and I wasn’t having that.


After Bella calmed down after we marked each other we ran back to the house. “Well they might all listen now” I told Bella while laughing. “It’s not funny I probably freaked Sarah out” She told me while slapping me in my chest. “Trust me she was enjoying the show” I told her.

When we arrived home, nobody was talking. “What’s got you all so deep in thought?” Bella asked everyone. “Oh am I glad your back, they’ve all been sat here like sautés while you’ve been gone” Sarah told us while hugging Bella. I looked at Peter and Char and they both had smiles on their faces. “What happened?” I asked them. “Carlisle told them they need to realise Bella isn’t the same Bella and they all went like this” Peter told me. “OI” I shouted at them, which made them all come out of there statue stance.

“We have a battle to plan for” I told them all. We all sat down and started planning. A wolf was going to carry Sarah up to the mountains, while Rylie takes another way so his scent doesn’t mix with theirs and both of them stay up there with her. The wolves are going to hide until it’s time for them to attack. We decided to carry Sarah up a couple of hours before the battle so she didn’t have to b e out in a blizzard.


The time came for us to get ready for the battle Sarah made a path with her scent for the newborns to follow, then a wolf took her to the mountains. “Good luck” Rylie told us before leaving the clearing.

We was sat talking for about an hour before we heard plenty of newborns coming our way. The wolves shifted ready for the battle. Jasper kissed me, before they all charged into the clearing. I saw what must of been Samantha as she was a double of Victoria. The wolves charged out of the trees killing newborn after newborn. I ran straight for Samantha who just stood there watching her army, with a smile on her face. She didn’t see me coming and charged straight towards her and lunged and pushed her on the floor. “Tell Vickie Bella said hello” I told her before ripping her head off, and chucking her in to the fire. I looked at Jasper who was holding himself or should I say the major. I felt two newborns coming at me from the sides, just as they was close enough I jumped up and ripped both their heads off. Iz wanted to come out to play, who am I to stop her.


I checked on Peter and Char who was perfectly fine. I looked at The Major who had 3 newborns on him. I charged straight to the one on his back, I slung my physical shield over all my family so they didn’t get bit. After flinging the one off of Jasper’s back I ripped his head off, while Jasper dealt with the other two. I looked around and there was 3 newborns left. Samantha’s companion was no were to be seen.

We started chucking the newborns limbs on to the fire, when we heard someone walking in to the clearing. “Well, well, well. It’s Bella and the Cullen’s her companion told us. I looked towards him and noticed it was Mike from Forks high. “Mike what are you doing here?” Edward asked him. “I’m after the human, were is she Eddie?” Mike asked him. I looked at the Major and noticed her let Jasper back so I thought I’d let Bella back.


When The Major realised it was just Mike from Forks High but a vampire now he let me back. I was next to Bella within seconds. “You think we’re going to tell you. Are you really that stupid mike?”  Bella asked him. I could tell Bella had her shield wrapped around us in case he had a gift. “You don’t scare me Bella, you still look like the same old Bella Swan, a push over” Mike told her, while laughing. Everyone just stood there in shock that was the wrong thing to say. “Is that what you really think Mike?” Bella hissed at him. “I should kill you, you just killed my mate” Mike hissed at her, he started charging at us but stopped, I looked closely and he was wrapped in Bella’s shield. I looked at Bella and notice It wasn’t Bella or Iz, this must be Iz’s other side. “Let me out you stupid bitch” Mike hissed at her. “Mike, Mike, Mike. I think you need to learn a lesson or two” Enyo hissed at her.

“Enyo’s out to play” Peter whispered. “Bella, you can’t do anything to me” Mike hissed at her. “That’s were your wrong about both things Mike. My name is Enyo, you see I’m the goddess of war, and you think I can’t do anything, don’t make me laugh boy” I could tell Bella was trying to come back out, I looked at Peter who had a smile on his face looking at Bella who pushed Enyo back in her cage. “Glad to have you back baby” I told her. “Thanks baby. What do you want Mike. You can forget Sarah You won’t find her, so what else do you want?” I noticed she took the shield away from him, but kept one around us all. If Mike had a gift she would have that gift now after him been in her shield.

“I told you, I’m going to kill you for killing my mate” He charged at Bella who stepped out of her shield but kept us all locked in it. I tried to get out but I couldn’t. “Watch her Jasper, you know that she can do this” Peter told me. I was a nervous wreck I hated the fact that I couldn’t get to her.


I knew I was going to be in shit for keeping Jasper locked in my shield but I needed to do this. I let Mike tackle me to the floor. “This is going to be easy” Mike hissed at me, Just has he was about to try and rip my head off I pushed my shield out and sent him flying in the air. I jumped up and grabbed him by his neck and shoved him on the floor. “Sure is Mike. At least you’ll be with our mate” I hissed at him before ripping his head off. I chucked him into the same fire pit that I put Samantha in.

I removed my shield from everyone, Jasper was at my side within seconds checking me for any bites, while I checked him, I noticed he had a few that he got before I slung my shield over everyone to stop any of the newborns biting them. I sealed his wounds, after he started my bolocking. “Don’t you ever do that again Isabella Whitlock, do you hear me” He told me, I could tell he was only just keeping the major in. “Yes Major” He crushed his lips to mine, If we wasn’t interrupted we would of done it there and then on the clearing floor. “We should call Rylie and tell him to meet us at the house” Carlisle told us. Everyone agreed, me and Jasper ran to the house to wait for Rylie and Sarah to get back.


After Rylie and Sarah got home with the wolf Seth, the wolves went back to Forks. Sarah ran straight up to Bella to give her a hug. “Thank god you’re ok” Sarah whispered to her. “I told you I would” Bella told her while chuckling.

We all sat down and told Rylie and Sarah what happened and how quick it was over. Sarah was pissed that she locked us all in her shield when she fought Mike. Rylie took Sarah to bed after she said night to us all.

The rest of us relaxed the rest of the night, before we leave tomorrow, to go back to Texas.

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