Chapter 21

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It’s been two months since we told Carlisle about him not been Esme’s mate. We haven’t heard anything from him what so ever. Alice and Edward left Carlisle and went off on their own as they couldn’t forgive him for what he did to their ‘mum’.

We were all sat in the front room, when I notice Bella and Peter look at each other and nod. “What do you both know?” I asked to which they both rolled their eyes. “Were going to have a couple of visitors” Peter told us to which my eyebrows rose. “Who?” Sarah asked. “Carlisle and his true mate” Bella told us. I was happy he’s got a new mate. I just home she doesn’t think were her children like Esme did, and I hope she doesn’t push Bella’s buttons or she won’t last long.

“When?” Rose asked, I could tell she was hoping the same as me; that she won’t treat us like kids like Esme. “Tomorrow” Peter answered.

We all went about and did our own thing. “So what do you think about Carlisle and his mate?” Bella asked me while we was cuddled up on our bed. “I don’t know Bella, I haven’t met the woman yet. I just hope for her and Carlisle’s sake that she doesn’t piss you off” I chuckled at her. “Ye that’ll be bad” Peter chuckled from the room next to ours. “Shut up fucker!” Bella hissed at him, before carrying on. “I’m not that bad” which made Peter and Char snort. Yes you got that right; two vampires snorted. “You’re shitting me Bells. You and Jasper and the scariest couple I’ve ever met!” Emmett boomed from the level below. I rolled my eyes. We’re not that bad were just very possessive and protective of each other.

“I agree with Emmett” Sarah told, joining the conversation. I swear sometimes I hate living in a house with a bunch of vampires you never get to have a private conversation with anyone. Me and Bella had originally come upstairs for a good fucking session but that obviously wasn’t happening anymore, thanks to Peter and Char had to ruin it for us before we even started. Cockblocking fucker!

Me and my darlin wife looked at each other and sighed, I was horny as a motherfucker! “Turn your visions on!” I told her. I made a decision that just me and Bella went to Isle Whitlock for a couple of weeks to spend some alone time together. Not even a second after she came out of her vision she was in my arms kissing me with so much love. I take it she loved the idea.

The next day came quickly and we soon found ourselves waiting for our guests to arrive. Carlisle got out of his car and ran round and helped his mate out of the car. When Carlisle looked over to us we all gasped. He as red eyes! What the fuck? “I’d like you all to meet my mate Jenny” Carlisle told us as Jenny stepped out of the car.

She had red short hair with her red eyes, she looked like she knew how to have a laugh. Come to think of it Carlisle didn’t look as tensed as he had all these years I’ve known him.

“Pleased to meet you all. Now which ones Bella?” Bella stepped forward. Not even a second later Jenny charged at her and gave her a big massive hug, obviously not as hard as Emmett’s bear hugs. “thankyou for getting him away from that Esme” Jenny whispered into her ear. Bella just gave her a nod. I could tell Bella didn’t know what to make of Jenny, she was still indecisive whether she liked the woman.

“It’s alright” God Bella’s been spending too much time down in the south, she’s already started picking the accent up. But fuck me it was hot as hell. Emmett obviously couldn’t hold it in any longer. “Holy shit Carlisle! You’re drinking humans?” Carlisle smiled and nodded before answering.

“I dint realise how much it fucking weakens us. Since I met Jenny, she’s helped me see how vampires are supposed to me” After the first sentence all of our jaws had dropped. Has Carlisle just swore? “Holy Shit!” Bella mumbled. Carlisle started laughing.

“Why do you all looked shocked?” Jenny asked us. “It’s the first time we’ve heard Carlisle swear” Peter told her obviously the first one to come out of his state of shock. I think I’m going to like this new Carlisle.

“Why don’t you come on in?” Char asked. They both followed us in. “You have a beautiful home” Jenny told us. “Char and Bella designed it, me and Peter built it. They both decorated it themselves how they wanted it to be” I told her. “IT’s beautiful” The four of us thanked her. “There’s a room for you upstairs on the second floor it’s next to Emmett and Rose’s room” Char told her. After they put their things upstairs they was back down. “I’m guessing your Jasper?” Jenny asked me I nodded my head. Bella however came and sat on my lap while nuzzling my neck, her emotions was nothing but love, passiveness and love. I smiled and nipped my mate’s neck, I couldn’t get rid of my smile on my face. My mate was hot when she got possessive. After she found out who the others was, we all sat down and catched up.

Carlisle told us he met Jenny when he was traveling, in Las Vegas. They immediately noticed each other as mates. They travelled for a couple of weeks before heading down here. To say Carlisle changed was an understatement. He was always tensed he looked comfortable, relaxed. He was always swearing like the rest of us. Jenny’s done him some world of good.

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