Chapter 9

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Today is the day the Cullen’s arrive back; Bella's emotions have been everywhere. We decided to leave her death until the Cullen’s are back as she is supposed to be with them, Peter told us that everything should be ok with everyone but Edward and Alice, I have all my belongings packed except from the clothes Alice forced me into. Bella left her new clothes back at the ranch in Texas and all she wanted from Forks are a few belongings that Charlie won’t realise are missing, which we took the other night while Charlie was asleep.

I asked Bella if she is sad about leaving Forks behind, and she told me she wouldn’t miss anyone except Emmett, her teddy bear of a brother. I could tell by her emotions when they was always around each other, that they always thought of each other as a brother and sister. I told her we can always invite him to come to visit us, we she happily agreed to. I knew she wouldn’t miss Charlie, with the way he treated her. I was ready to kill him when we went for a few of Bella’s belongings; Peter had to keep me away from his room.

We was all sat in the living room, when we eared the cars coming down the driveway. I kept the TV on. Char was on Peter’s lap who was sat next to me with Bella on my lap. “Where the hell is Bella, I can’t hear her heartbeat” We heard Edward hiss. It would of been funny if we was in another situation, this could go one of two ways; they all accept us and part ways as friends or they don’t accept us and it turns into a fight and they will all lose their life’s.

Edward came running into the house, with the rest of them hot on his heels. “Jasper where the hell is Bell-“ Edward started walking into the living room, but stopped when he noticed Bella.

“What the hell have you done Jasper?” Edward hissed at me with the rest of the family behind him with their jaws slack. I could tell by Bella’s emotions she was getting pissed with Iz rattling at her cage. “I suggest you shut it Eddie boy, and let us tell you before you start kicking off” Bella hissed at him. Peter and Char was all smiles, they all knew what Bella could do, not one of the Cullen’s knew anything about, she had us all shield so Edward couldn’t read our minds. “Why can’t I read any of your minds?” Edward hissed. “What! I wanna know what that slag is doing on my mates knee” Alice shouted.  “I think you might want to think about that Alice, he isn’t your mate. He was just using you to get to Bella. Infact I was the one that sent him, so he could find his true mate. You see little pixie you was only in it so Jasper could get his true mate” Peter told her.

It was all quite everyone just staring at Peter for two seconds, until Alice pounced at Bella. I just let her go knowing she could look after herself. Within half a second Alice was pinned to the floor with Bella holding her down. “What’s wrong Alice wasn’t expecting a newborn to get you like that?” Bella taunted her, I could tell Iz was out aswel which makes this even more serious, not one of the Cullen’s know about Iz. “I suggest all you Cullen’s get into submissive positions NOW!” Peter told them all messing around gone. “Why it’s not like a newborn, especially Bella would hurt us” Edward hissed. Me and Peter looked at each other and just shook our heads. “Fine but it’s your head” Peter told him.


Stupid cow, think she can try and attack us. Jasper just let me go, knowing I could look after myself. I even let Bella come out aswel, to make it more fun. I eared Peter tell the rest of the Cullen’s to get into submissive positions, but Eddie boy had to disagree. I would never attack Jasper, Peter or Char, they are mine and Bella’s family, but the Cullen’s on the other hand, I wouldn’t stop, well except for Emmett, that Rosalie could do with a good scare, but I wouldn’t harm Emmett’s mate.

I looked at all the Cullen’s so they could look at my eyes knowing they would be black with no white in them, I know they’ve seen this before when the major comes forward, so they obviously knew what was going off, and by all the gasps and them getting into submissive positions, I knew I was right. I eared Peter chuckle, he always finds things funny no matter how serious they are, I chuckled then looked back down at the bitch I had pinned down.

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