Chapter 1

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Today is the day Edward leaves with his family for a 2 week hunting trip, and leaves me with Jasper for him to ‘Bella-sit’. I don’t understand Edward, before he left me in the woods that day, he always told me that Jasper was ‘unstable’, but now I get to know the ‘mysterious Cullen’.

I am looking forward to the next 2 weeks. Alice as arranged my two weeks away from Charlie’s, she told him we was all going camping for the next 2 weeks. So all I have to do is stay away from Charlie’s sight.

Edward is still the prude he has always been, him and Alice are always together, I don’t know how Jasper can stand it. I’ve realised I am not in love with Edward anymore, I just don’t want to loose my brother bear Emmett, my other mother Esme, my other dad Carlisle and surprisingly Jasper, especially after these next two weeks, I am hoping to get to know him better. Edward has gotten worse from telling me what I can and can’t do, to what I wear, how I speak and what I eat. He has become very controlling.

I have soon realised that I have a ‘crush’ on Jasper but every time I am around him I just think about how Edward is with me, so he doesn’t pick up on my emotions. That is one thing I am going to have to control over these 2 weeks. I’m not bothered if he finds out, I’ve become alot more comfortable with myself I don’t blush anymore and my clumsiness as calmed down, I trip now and again but nothing compared to how I use to be. I wear stilettos now aswel as more ‘fashionable’ clothes. Edward trys and tells me it isn’t suitable for a ‘young lady’ but since I’ve come more comfortable in myself, I have finally stood up for myself against him. 

I am currently in my Chevrolet stingray in black; my dad brought me it for Christmas. Edward wants me to come over now so I can say bye to him and the family before they leave and so he can make sure I’m going to be fine with Jasper. I will be fine as long as I keep my emotions in check.


Peter the little fucker, I can’t believe he told me to come here, and ‘marry’ that pixie bitch. After I killed Maria and her newborn army, I left and went back to my own coven ‘the Whitlock’s’. I was there for a few months, when ‘Yoda’ told Peter that I should go to a cafe in Philadelphia, to meet a pixie like vampire, and to follow her and I will find my mate through her. Little did I know it would take 50 years, still to this day she doesn’t know my plan. I already have the divorce papers ready for her to sign, thank god.

I’ve known for quite some time that Bella is my mate, but Edward at to come in and ruin everything for me. It’s helped these past couple of months that I have been picking up some horrible emotions from Bella directed towards Edward. I can tell that she hates him, but it is all working out for me. Peter told me these next 2 weeks, will be where mine and Bella’s relationship starts.

The reason I have stayed away from her is because if we touch we will feel the ‘electric shock’ then the mating pull will start, and I don’t want my Bella in pain. I told the Cullen’s it had to do with my so called ‘bloodlust’.

Edward and Alice aren’t happy because when Bella is around they can’t read my thoughts or see my future, because Bella is subconsciously shielding me, because were mates, even if she doesn’t know that yet.

My Bella should be here soon, and the pixie bitch can go and leave me with my mate. Peter as already got things ready for Bella, so when we move with them, stuff should be ready. These 2 weeks I am going to be telling Bella everything.

True Mates - Jasper/Bella [Completed]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang