Chapter 4

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At around 3 o'clock, Peter and Char arrived and we catched up, with each other, while we waited for Bella to wake up. Char is looking forward to have a girl-friend, she never usually socialises with others, but Peter told her he 'knows' they will become close, like sisters.

At 11 o'clock Bella woke up and jumped in the shower while I made her some breakfast. She came downstairs straight into the kitchen and thanked me with a kiss.

"Cheers Jay this looks yummy"

"Well I wouldn't know"

After she ate her breakfast we sat in the front room watching TV while Peter and Char was out hunting. Bella was looking forward to meet them.

"Honey, were home" Peter shouted.

"In here fucker" Bella started laughing at our antics.

"Well, I guess this looker is the famous Bella. I'm Peter and this here is my gorgeous wife Char"

"I doubt I'm a looker, but whatever you say Petey, it's nice to meet you Char"

"Nice, to meet you too sug" Char told her while giving her a hug.

"You're defiantly something Bella. I knew we would get on great, you've known me 2 minutes and you're as bad as me"

"Yeah well you will always know shit Petey. Seriously Char how do you put up with this knowing one?" They both started laughing and went into the kitchen while me and Peter stayed in the front room, just watching them walk away.

"You know Jazz, she is something"

"Yeah, I know, she's defiantly is. We just need to figure out how we're going to break the news"

"Well, my 'knower' told me that you should come back with us and speak to Carlisle over the phone and explain everything to him, get him to explain to Edward and Alice, Jenks is sorting your divorce papers out as we speak, and if people accept it we will come back down after Bella as been change, and we've trained her, but just to warn you she is your match in every way"

"What do you mean she's got another side of her like iv got major?"

"Yep" Peter told me while popping the 'p'

"Ok well I'll explain it to Bella and see what she says"

10 minutes later the girls walked in, and Bella came and sat on my knee. Me and Peter explained the plan and she agreed, she wanted to get to know Char and Peter a lot better, and she knew she couldn't do that while we have the Cullen's around.


Peter and Char are really nice people, me and Char have really got to know each other properly, we planned to go shopping one day seen as though we are both into the same thing, and we won't have the pixie bitch to tell us what to do.

As soon as Jay and Peter told us the plan to go to Texas and stay there till I'm changed I wasn't bothered as long as I'm with Jay, I'll be perfect. Peter told me when I'm changed I will have an other side of me like Jay as the Major and Ares the god of war, and I will be known as the Goddess of war. It freaked me out at first but Jay told me it's nothing to worry about, all they are for is if I get into a dangerous situation they will come forward to protect me, when he told me that I wasn't bothered.

For the rest of the day we watched the TV, talked and me and Petey was winding each other up.


Bella's a lovely girl and really good laugh, way better then the pixie bitch Jay used to get Bella. I know Alice and Edward are going to put up a fight, I don't know how far they will go, but if we change Bella ASAP, we can all look after her. My 'knower' told me that Bella will be something else, she will completely skip her newborn years, and be powerful and with Bella by Jay's side, they would be a force to reckon with, they would be the most feared vampires, even the Volturi would be afraid, and as soon at Bella as been change, I have to spread the word that the Goddess of war as been born.

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