Chapter 12

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We was all sat in the living room when my know went off, I looked at Peter when he looked at me letting me know hid Yoda went off. Jasper noticed our interaction “What do you two know?” After hearing Jasper ask us what we know, everyone stopped doing what they was doing, to listen. Peter looked at me for me to tell them. Great.

“Samantha, she’s coming in two days. Her army’s ready, there all newborns except one who is a year old. They’re coming here in Alaska, we need to make a path with Sarah’s sent, like we did last time, get them to meet us at the clearing” I told them. “So, she’s coming?” Rylie asked me obviously worried about his mate’s safety. “Yes” I told him, when I thought of something. “What we doing with Sarah?” I thought about how we managed to hide me when I thought about the werewolf’s. “I’ve just had a great idea, the reason why Samantha is coming to Alaska instead of Forks” Werewolf’s I thought to Jasper. It could work. I nodded to him. “Werewolf’s” Carlisle looked deep in thought for a while. “I can try, promise them a blood bath” I nodded at him. Carlisle ran straight upstairs to his office to ring Sam the Alpha male. “Carlisle don’t forget they don’t know about me so you will have to let them know” I told him quickly. We all sat down in the living room waiting until Carlisle came back down.

5 minutes later he was down with a smile on his face. “They agreed. I explained everything to do with your situation Bella and the others, and I also told them they couldn’t do anything to you guys because we’re not in Forks” I nodded at him. “That’s great we’ve got the upper hand, when will they be here?” I asked him. “They’re going to run down now in their wolf forms” I nodded to him, the rest of the time we spent waiting for the wolfs, we enjoyed with each other. Alice apologised about her behaviour when we was training, which I just said it was ok. She doesn’t bother me. In fact I hope they die in this battle. I might even chuck her and Edward to a newborn. I busted out laughing. “What you laughing at darlin?” Jasper asked me. I projected my thoughts to Jasper, Peter and Char, after they all busted out laughing. “Let us in on the secret Bella. Please.” I projected my thought to him but not before shielding him so Edward didn’t find out. “I’ll help” Emmett told me after he finished laughing. With my shield Alice can’t see what I decide so she didn’t have a clue.


My girl is a badass. I know for a fact if Alice and Edward carry on she will happily give them to the newborns even if it means pouring human blood onto them. I don’t think they realise Bella isn’t the same Bella they use to know now. The one who let people get away with everything, and tell her what to do. They need to figure that out fast before someone looses a limb or two.

Peter has already had to warn them a few times, in the last two years. I don’t think they’ll learn until one of them as been introduced to Bella’s wrath. I thought after the first time Iz introduced herself they’d be more careful like they are with me, but they obviously still see her as a push over. If they carry on, I’ll have to have words.

I was brought out of thoughts when I got a whiff of wet dog. I looked at Bella and if she could she would be gagging. “What the hell is that god awful smell?” Bella asked. We all chuckled at her. “That will be the werewolf’s darlin” I told her. “They fucking stink” Bella told us. “Language Isabella” Esme told her. Bella just rolled her eyes obviously having enough of Esme treating her like a child.

We all walked to the door to welcome our guests if you could call them that. Sam was in front of all of them. I noticed Bella was looking at Jacob in disgust. “Hello Sam, thank you for coming. Please come in” We all walked back in with the wolfs behind us.

Rylie came down with Sarah behind her. “Sarah what are you doing awake? It’s 3 in the morning” Bella asked her. I can’t sleep if Rylie isn’t there” Sarah told her. They joined us in the living room. Me, Bella, Peter and Char stood up against the wall, the wolves sat down on the sete on the floor. Carlisle and Esme sat on a love seat, Emmett and Rose stood against a wall. Edward and Alice were on a love seat and Rylie and Sarah was on the other love seat.

“Ok. You told me there was an army of vampires, like the one that was after Bella when she was human. I’m guessing this is the human there after?” Sam asked us. Bella’s emotions went to rage within a couple of seconds. “Her name is Sarah not human. Would you like it if we called you pup. That’s what you are isn’t it. You stupid pups” Bella hissed at them. A few of the wolves started shaking ready to change into a wolf. “I’d watch it Bella. I didn’t like you when you was human, and I defiantly don’t like you now. Your probably still like the human you afraid of everything” One of them told her while shaking. “Wrong thing to say fucker” me and Peter warned him. “I suggest you shut up and if you’re going to change into a pup you get out of Carlisle and Esme’s house right now” Bella told him, within a second there was a wolf in the living room charging for Bella. Me, Peter and Char all got ready to defend Bella, when I noticed it wasn’t Bella but Iz. “Paul stand down NOW!” Sam ordered him but he didn’t listen. Next thing I knew the wolf couldn’t move he was stuck in a little bubble. “I warned you dog” Iz asked at him. “Bella calm down” Carlisle demanded her. I looked at Iz and knew there was no chance stopping her now she was going to tell them how it is. I could feel the major trying to come out. When Iz comes out the Major always tries to come to the surface, because our mate is pissed.

“See that’s where your wrong I am NOT Bella my name is Iz. I’m getting pissed off at you and your family, thinking they can tell Bella what to do. We’re not a pet you can demand things off of” By now Paul was back into his human form with a pair of spare shorts they brought with them. “ Alice and Edward think they can get away with everything there lucky I don’t fucking rip them limb from limb. Me and Bella’s let them get away with a lot of things including when we was human. I could of come forward then, but it would of took all of our energy. I’m telling you now you fuck me off one more time you’ll find yourself a pile of ash. Esme don’t even think about scolding us like we kids. For fuck sake we can look after ourselves that’s one of the reasons we decided to move back to Texas, to get away from you treating us like a child. You need to remember your messing with the goddess of war, I suggest you start treating Sarah with a lot more respect she’s a human and she’s got a army of vampires after. You all fucked up again, letting her get away and leaving it. I thought vampires are supposed to remember everything but obviously themes something wrong with you. If you had got to Samantha none of this would be happening. I suggest you sort it out because, I won’t be letting Bella back until you sort yourselves the fuck out. When the Major trains you, you don’t give a shit. Well I tell you something I won’t be watching your backs. I’ll be watching my own, the majors, Peter and Chars there my family. I’m here to help Sarah kill her enemies that you didn’t go after”

During Iz’s rant I checked everyone’s emotions they was all in fear except Sarah, Peter and Char, they was enjoying the show. After she finished I picked her up and slung her over my shoulder and ran out into the forest. I couldn’t keep the major in any longer. Iz was going to have the time of her life in the forest.

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