Chapter 2

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"Are you sure you're going to be ok with Jasper?" Edward asked me.

Before I could even answer Jasper was in the front room.

"What do you think I'm going to do with her Edward. God at least have some fucking respect for me. If I couldn't do this I wouldn't have offered. " Jasper hissed at him.

"Edward I'll be fine. Just please go. You're starting to piss me off"

"Bella, stop swearing. It isn't lady-like"

"Oh just fuck off Edward you controlling freak. Just leave me alone for these 2 weeks, and if you try and ring me I'm not answering that goes for the others. I need a break instead of you hovering over me all the fucking time"


"Edward I'd listens to her. She's starting to get pissed" Jasper cut him off.

With that they was all out of the house. Thank fuck. Now what to do for 2 weeks?

"Well what do you want to do Bella?"

"I don't know. You got anything in mind?"


I have a few things in mind.... no I think it's a bit sudden.

"Well, we can watch some movies if you want, and then order you a Chinese"

"Yeah, sounds fun"

We picked out some horror, comedy and action movies, and sat on the sofa while Bella had a bowel of popcorn. We did this for the rest of the night. At 12 o'clock Bella when to bed, in the guest bedroom. She said she doesn't want to be in Edwards room because she needs time to think.

About 1 o'clock my phone was ringing....

"Howdy fucker"

"Well if it isn't Yoda. How are you man?"

"I'm good fucker, just wanted to let you know me and Char will be there next week for 2 days before those fuckers come back"

"Yeah, that's fine. I don't think Bella will mind"

"Nah, she won't. She might surprise you ask you to invite us down"

"Alright then fucker. I'm going anyway"

Tomorrow I think I'm going to take Bella out for a meal, then come back and tell her about my time in Maria's army, at least she will know what she's getting into before she accepts me for her mate. If it all goes good, then I will tell her everything, including us been mates.

I didn't realise how long I've been sat here thinking until my beautiful Bella spoke to me.

"Jazz, is everything alright? You've been sat there for half an hour just staring into space"

"Sorry Bella, I was just thinking about something. You had some breakfast?"

"Yeah. I had something while you was in Jazz-land"

We both started laughing at that.

"Well, I was thinking I could take you out for your dinner tonight. I have a few things to talk to you about. Is that ok?"

"Sure Jazz, were we going? Is everything alright?"

"Calm down Bella, everything is fine, and I'm not telling you, I've already got you the outfit to wear so you don't have to worry about that. At least you won't be able to figure it out."

"Okay, looking forward to it"

She turned the TV on and watched some TV programme with teenagers in school singing called Glee. What are they going to bring out next? Seriously humans these days.


It was time for me to get ready to go out for dinner with Jazz. He told me my outfit was in the guest bedroom on the bed ready for me.

There was a pair of Black skinny jeans with a red top, with a pair of red Jimmy Choo stilettos . I was in love, it's not like every day you get a free pair of Jimmy Choo's. When I was ready I went down stairs.

"Cheers Jazz, I love it. But I don't think Alice will appreciate me wearing her shoes"

"There yours silly. I got them for you"

I didn't know what to say.

"Thanks Jazz, I don't know what to say. I love them"

"It's alright Bella. Your worth the money"

With that we got into his Aston Martin to drive to the restaurant.

True Mates - Jasper/Bella [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now