Chapter 16

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When Rylie told us about the situation Esme had put the Cullen’s in, I went in to total shock. Why would you put your family into a deathly situation, if the Volturi find out, I will not stand by them this time, and if they thought that I would they would have an almighty shocker.

“So Sarah, I’ve just heard what Rylie told Jasper” I told her with a smile on my face, while char was fucking giggling like a little school girl. “What did he say?” She asked completely baffled. “That you wanna try and beat my ass for leaving” She looked shocked, she went white as a ghost. “Sarah are you ok?” I saw her eyes roll to back of her head; I had her in my arms just as she fainted. “RYLIE!” I shouted even though it wasn’t needed.

They were all up in the room within seconds. “What’s with the shou-“ He cut himself off when he noticed Sarah in my arms. “What happened?” I explained to him the conversation that we had and he just chuckled. “She told me not to say anything” I laughed, I would of thought that with me smiling she would of known I was joking, she’s like a sister to me.

20 minutes later she came round. “I’m sorry Bella” She told me when she was awake. “You should of known I was messing with you Sarah” She nodded. “That’s why I don’t understand why I fainted” I smiled at her. “You’ve had a rough couple of days; the family you was living with put you all into a dangerous situation, plus you decided you wanted to be changed, and that is a lot of stress trust me. Don’t forget I was like you one time, in love with a vampire” I told her while looking at Jasper. “You two are so sappy after been married how many years” Peter mumbled, while we all chuckled at him.

Me and Char decided we should go shopping for Sarah as she wasn’t been changed for a couple of days, so she can get used to it all. “So what do humans eat?” Char asked me. “Erm, I don’t really remember it’s all fuzzy I know I liked lasagne” I told her while trying to remember what I ate as a human. “Well, she can’t live off of lasagne for the next couple of days” Char told me. We ended up by different things; cereal, meat, bread, butter, milk, lasagne, fish, everything. “Char you do realise it’s only for a couple of days right” I mumbled while looking in to the overflowing trolley. “Well we don’t know what she likes, and we have plenty of money to last the four of us a lifetime. I just rolled my eyes, she was right of course, we defiantly had enough money, so why not get everything so we know Sarah would have food she like.

We arrived home and the lads helped us fetch the shopping in. “Are you fucking kidding me?” Sarah shrieked, she looked at us then to the shopping on the side nothing but disbelief in her eyes. “We didn’t know what you liked” I told her with a shrug off my shoulders. “You brought the whole god damn shop” I just rolled my eyes. “You do realise were vampires right?” With the nod of her head I continued. “so therefore we have plenty of money, buying you some food was nothing. We even own a god damn Island” I mumbled the last bit. “So, I’m only going to be human for a couple of days” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “God what is it with you humans?” Jasper mumbled, I couldn’t help but full on belly laugh. “I don’t know what your laughing at Mrs Whitlock, you was the exact same” That stopped my laughing.

“Dickhead” I hissed at him, he just pulled me into his side and kissed my head. “That’s one of the reasons I love you” He mumbled. “God sappy basted” Peter mumbled even though we all including Sarah heard him. “Char cut you off again?” I couldn’t help but chuckle at the disbelief in his eyes. “H-how did you know?” I couldn’t help but chuckle. “You’re a mardy basted, you never like this unless Char’s cut you off, and plus sister don’t hid things from each other” Char high fived me. “Got that right sister. Okay Sarah your gonna have to cook yourself sorry, we just don’t know how to cook” Sarah nodded to her and we all went in to the living room.


I can’t fucking believe that fucking family. Don’t get me wrong I’ve always wanted a family but still I wouldn’t change a child and risk bringing the Volturi on the rest of my family’s arses.

I already know what their hoping; that if the Volturi do find out Jasper and Bella will stand with them. I know their answer will be a big fat no, but the Cullen’s are out of their mind. Before heading to Bells, and Jaspers, we paid Jenks a visit and asked him to get the documents sorted for mine and Emmet’s last name changed to McCarty, no more school, we are going to live are eternity together as we wish, starting with a visit to the Whitlock’s.


We was all sat quiet in the living room all lost in our thought when Sarah broke the silence. “Have you sorted it then Rylie?” he looked at her with nothing but love in his eyes. “Jasper said I should be able to do it with you been my mate, but he said he would be in the room the while I do it” She looked at me and I just nodded. “Are you sure you can do this Rylie. I don’t want you to do something that is going to be hard for you”  He just smiled at her. “I’ll be fine Sarah”

We all fell back in to silence, a few minutes later we heard 2 vampires running towards the house. We all walked to the door, to welcome our guests. “BELLS!” Emmett boomed, while lifting her into one of his famous bear hugs. “EMMETT!” She shouted back while chuckling. “ROSE!” She shouted when he put her down and charged to wards rose. “BELLA!” She shouted back. It went like that until we was all hugged out and back into the living room.

“I guess Rylie and Sarah told you about the whole situation with Esme?” Rose asked us, we all just nodded. I was about to start a conversation not wanting to talk about it anymore, it had nothing to do with me when my phone interrupted. I looked at the caller id and noticed it was Carlisle.

(Jasper-Italic Carlisle – Bold, Italic)


Jasper, have you seen Rose, Emmett, Rylie or Sarah? The three vampires who could hear the conversation shook their heads to let me know not to tell him.

No, why what’s up?

Oh nothing, they must of gone on their own for a while

You sure, you seem bothered about something

No, everything is fine Jasper

Well that was interesting. “I guess he doesn’t want you to know” Rose told me. What’s wrong with that family they all seem crazy fucked up, I can’t believe I spent 50 years with them.

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