Chapter 2 U.A Entrance Exam

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Names are Last, First. I finally fixed it after years of waiting.

Your P.O.V


Dad, "I put it on the counter and good luck on your exam. Sweety" I grab the thing, then I run to school even though it is really close. I run and I bumped into someone. 'Oof' "Sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you." I say looking down. Then I look up to see a boy with purple hair and really tired eyes. 'Hehe, he looks like Duncle Aizawa.'

??, "It's fine, what's your name?"

Reader, "It's Yamada (y/n) what's your's?"

??, "It's Hitoshi Shinso."

Reader, "Well it's nice to meet you Hitoshi." I raise my hand up for him to shake it and he does. "Here, have my phone number, you know, to keep in touch and stuff." 'I wonder if I'm reenacting what Dad and Duncle Aizawa did. Hitoshi being Aizawa and me being dad.' "Lets go in, we have an assembly to go to." I walk inside with my new friend Hitoshi and he sits in the back so I sit next to him too. Next to me was a boy that had a mask thing on his eyes.

"Hello, what's your name?" 'I'ma make new friends today!'

??," my name is Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, what's yours?"

"Nice to meet you Tetsutetsu. I'm Yamada (y/n)."

Tetsu, "Here, meet my friend Monoma Neito. He's my friend from my school. Monoma meet (Y/n), (Y/n) meet Monoma."

"Lets exchange phone numbers so we keep in touch." They nod and we exchange numbers.

Dad, "OK, can you guys give me a "HEY"." Then he tries to listen. Being his daughter and all you turn your built-in mic on and said, "Hey". "Thank you, to whoever said that," Then Dad started to talk and I went into daydream land. 'Hehe, I know that dad knows who said the 'Hey' Then my nose started to itch and I sneezed above my voice controller and the whole building shook. 'Oops'

After explanation

"Hey, Shinso, what area are you in?" I saw his card and it said 'D', "Yes, we got the same area." Then I looked over to Tetsu and Monoma. They got the same area, but different from us. "Come on lets go." Then I pull him to the bus that takes us to the battle area and we part our ways. When we were there I saw Dad on a thing and he yelled, "Go, move there are no timers in battle." Then we went in. We got separated and when that happened I saw three 3 pointers. I scream at them and all 3 fell, 'OK, that's 9 points.' Then I went to a different area and saw that my scream weakened a building near a person, 'Oh god, it's going to fall, Got to go fast to save the person.' Then I went next to him and saw that it was Shinso. "Hey, Shinso, cover your ears." He did what I said. The building was falling and he saw, then I screamed a really deep sounding, "YEEEEEEEAH" And the building got pushed back to its place. I look back to Shinso and he was amazed. I snap my fingers, and pat his cheek, then he went back to reality. Then I saw six 2 pointers and it screamed, 'Yes, that's 21 points. I hope I get more.' Then Dad yelled, "10 more minutes!" 'Oh man." Then I ran to find a person with black hair surrounded by 3 pointers and he tried to defeat them but more come, 'I want to help but would I be stealing his points?' Then a 3 pointer was behind him and was about to smack him and he didn't see it yet. I run to it and scream again, I take down five of the 3 pointers. 'So that would be 36 points.' I run past him and say, "Sorry, You had a robot behind you and you didn't see." then I run away, Dad yells, "5 minutes left." The I heard a loud rumble and I turn around and saw the same kid under some rubble and a huge 0 pointer. 'Um, what do I do? I could save him but I could get squished, I can yell the robot away but it won't help the kid under there.' Then my nose got itchy because if the dust and I sneeze the robot away. 'Wait, did I do that? Well sneezes can be really loud, so I guess I did that.' Then I run over to the black haired kid under the rubble and I say, "You should cover your ears." he did that and I then screamed the rubble off of him, 'Man, all this screaming hurts my throat, I need some water later.' Then I saw that his leg was a bit dark colored, 'I guess he hurt his leg.' "Times up." 'Dang it, I only got 36 points.' Then Recovery Girl came and healed him and gave me some gummy bears. "Thanks, Recovery Girl." Then I helped the kid get up and I talk to him.

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