Chapter 11: Time to Pick some Names

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The school day: Morning: 6:00 AM



I slap the alarm clock. The put my mask on. *I changed it into a mask now cuz it got upgraded. YEET. Sort of looks like a bandanna. Half of you just read it as banana*

I change into my school uniform and take my phone and I go to the restroom to do my business. 

*Another alarm.* AHHHHH AHHHH*


I look at my phone. "no no no no no no no no no no no, it can't be that time. WHY?!" 

*le cry* 

*if you don't know about that. Then you are either a boy. Or you're a young person. It's time for your period*

I do my other things and I go downstairs.

"Dad, when school is over. Buy me 10 tubs of (favorite flavor) ice cream."

Dad, "That time again?"

"Don't ask." Sounding dead inside.

Dad, "Here, have your breakfast. It's your favorite."

"Bekfest!" I yeet myself over to the food and eat. I look at my phone while eating. I look at the time and it's 7:00 AM. 

"HOLY!?" I start to eat my food like crazy and I finished and said bye to Dad, even though he is a teacher at the school. I run outside and I hit someone in the back.

Shinso, "Watch where you're. Oh it's just you (y/n)" *Tiny bloosh*

"Let's walk to school. If we keep standing here, we're going to be late." Then we start walking. 5 seconds later, we had to cross the street and it was crowded. 

Some dude, "Hey...Hey...Yamada from the hero class and Shinso from General Ed."

Then fricking everyone turned and looked at us.

Same guy, "Good job on getting 2nd place and Shinso, you were so close! Good Job both of you."

Peeps, "Wow really?"

Others, "Wow top 3?"

some other, "Cool, students from U.A."

Lady, "I wish my daughter grows up like that."

Then the light turned green and we crossed, as we did they yelled, "Do your best, heroes!"

Shinso/Me, "We will." 

Then we skedaddle skedoodled to school. Then it started to rain.

"Umm. Did you by any chance bring an extra umbrella?"

Shinso, "No, but we can share mine."


Shinso, "W-what?! R-really?"

"Yeah. I don't want my things to get wet."

He opens his umbrella and I stand next to him. I was still getting wet so I stand closer. I was looking straight ahead so I don't hit anyone. Little did I know that the boy next to me was blushing so hard that he looked like a strawberry. Then I heard something.

Iida, "Good morning, Midoriya!"

I turn around to see a walking Izu and an Iida wearing a poncho and rain boots.

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