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You turned and immediately covered your face, tears springing to your eyes.

Kneeling behind you was Tom, the red velvet box open in his hand.

"Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N"

You splayed your fingers and looked at him, shaking your head. A sob welled up in your throat. He was smiling your smile, his eyes bright as he tried to maintain control over his emotions. You covered your mouth, unable to process that he was proposing to you all over again.

"Since the day that I met you, you have captivated me. You're always on my mind, and I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else. Everything I do, I do for you and for our future. I want to make you mine in every way possible". He paused, clearing his throat and wiping his eyes. "Will you marry me?"

Like last night, you struggled to find words. You didn't know what you'd done to deserve him, to be loved the way he loved you. You promised yourself that you would spend the rest of your life showing him how much he meant to you.

You ignored his outstretched hand, kneeling down and kissing him, your tears mixing with his. When you pulled back to breathe, Tom was beaming at you. You choked on a laugh as he slipped the ring back on your finger, and you wrapped your arms around him.

"I love you so much. So, so much" you sobbed into his neck. "And despite all the crying I'm doing, I promise I'm really happy right now"

He chuckled, his arms wrapped around your waist. "Me too, Baby. Me too" he murmured, stroking your head.

"Can we come out now?" Whined Harry's voice. You pulled back, wondering where they were hiding.

"Yeah, come out" Tom called, wiping his cheeks dry.

Harry, Sam and Nikki came out of the other bedroom, their faces bright and smiling.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" yelled Sam as he ran over to hug you and Tom. Harry joined in, and the four of you ended up on the floor, Harry and Sam crushing you and Tom.

"Get off you fatties!" you yelled, as Sam accidentally poked you in the ribs.

As you stood, Nikki walked over and hugged you. "Sorry for the surprise dear, but I couldn't let the engagement start on a sour note" she whispered in your ear. When she pulled away she smiled at you. Tom pulled her into a hug and winked at you, Sam and Harry taking turns to hug you properly.

"We need champagne!" declared Sam, running over to call room service.

"Oi, stop racking up the bill!!" Tom scolded. "Besides, you get free alcohol on the plane!"

"Ugh, you're no fun sometimes" Harry grumbled and you nudged him in the ribs. He nudged you back. "What do you think of the flowers? Sam and I found them"

"They're beautiful. This is...amazing, guys. Really...I have no words"

"Thank Mum, it was her idea" Sam said.

You looked over at Nikki and she smiled at you, her arm still around Tom. "Thank you" you mouthed to her, and she nodded.

"Right, we actually do need to get going else you guys are going to miss your plane" Tom announced, freeing himself from Nikki to hold your hand. "And I've organised for security to escort us to the car, so you won't have a panic attack"

You felt immediately guilty. You didn't want Tom to have to organise security for you every time you went out, and you didn't want Tom's fans to miss out on meeting him because of your anxiety.

"How about you go down now and greet the fans that are there, if there's any, and I'll come down once its calmed down a little instead? After all, it's not me they're interested in"

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