Chapter 31: The Wrath of a Weasley

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"WHY NOT?" Michael whined

"BECAUSE I HAD TO BLOODY COME TO SEE YOU TWO! THAT'S NOT SOMETHING I WANTED TO DO TODAY OR ANY OTHER DAY! DO YOU THINK I EVER WANT TO SEE 2 OF MY EX-BOYFRIENDS WITH MY HUSBAND?" Ginny Screamed showing the Weasley temper. As she screamed this though Michael did not hear anything he just kept staring at her lost in thought and when she finished he did the most unbelievable thing...


He stood up from where he had been sitting and walked over to Ginny who was still standing from when she was yelling at him.

"WERE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!?!" she screamed right into his face fuming mad and Michael stood there not even fazed. Then what happened next seemed to go in slow motion he grabbed her waist and pulled her into an unexpected kiss. As soon as he did this Harry jumped up and pushed Michael to the ground.

"What the hell do you think your doing!? That's my wife!" Harry yelled drawing the attention of the whole pub on them

"Come on she's a hell of a snog." Michael said while winking at Ginny clearly drunk.


"Serves him right the bloody git." Ron spoke up

"Are you alright Ginny?" Hermione asked

"Yeah I’ve just had enough of Michael Corner for a life time."

"How about you Harry?"

"I'm fine. Just glad Ginny stunned him if she didn't I would've." He said smiling at Ginny

"I'll have to take him back to his parents." Dean said from behind startling them

"Good idea."

"So what were you lot doing here anyways? It wasn't just to start a fight with him." Dean said nodding to Michael

"Well the Death Eaters are planning on starting another war so we've been asking all the D.A. members if they'd come and help us there has already been mysterious killings but if the D.A. helps us we can stop it before it gets to out of hand." Harry told him.

"Oh man that'd be horrible having a whole other war, counts me in. Michael on the other hand won't come because the only reason he joined was for Ginny sorry" 

"It's okay we'll have enough without him." Ginny said sharply

"Alright great we're meeting at the Weasley’s on October 3rd" Hermione said

"Okay guess I’ll see you then bye." Dean said lugging Michael up so he could side-along apperate.

"Bye" They said as they left the Hog's Head

"Thank Goodness that's over with that was a nightmare." Ginny sighed

"You can say that again." Harry mumbled. They apperated back to grimmauld place and collapsed on the couch. 

"Who are we seeing tomorrow Harry? I hope its not another ex-boyfriend or girlfriend it’s disastrous when we have to see them." Ron complained

"I think the next person on the list is Alicia Spinnet." 

"Do we know where she lives?" Everyone mumbled his or her no's

"Oh great you know what we have to do then?" Ron said


"Ask George." He said it as if it was a death sentence

"What's so bad about that Ron? Its just George." Ginny stated

"Come on Ginny you know why." Ron said seriously

"Oh! Oh yeah! Well it should be another eventful day tomorrow." 

"Why did something happen between them?" Hermione asked

"I don't know it’s hard to explain you'll find out tomorrow trust me." Ginny replied

Hermione noded  

"We should probably start dinner. Want to help me 'Mione?" Ginny asked

"Yes I suppose we should." The pair got up and to make dinner, leaving Harry and Ron alone

"Man the Michael Corner was foul git wasn't he?" 

"Yeah the worst! He had the nerve to kiss Ginny right in front of me he's lucky we didn't do worse to him."

"Yeah." Ron nodded in agreement "You know Harry I’m glad it was you and not slimy arse like Michael that married Ginny your the only one I can see good enough for her." Ron said meaningfully

"Thanks Ron I’m glad it was me too." Harry smiled "Want to go check the barriers around the outside then we won't have to do it later."

"Yeah sure." They both got up and went to the backyard.


Sorry about the awkward leave off place but I couldn't find a natural break unless I wanted to cut this chapter into half which I did not want to do! This is 1 of the 2 chapters I promised today I think I’ll post the other one a little later in the day maybe like in an hour or 2 SoOoOoOoooOOooOOOo what do you think?!?!? Are shocked by what Michael did or were you expecting it? Like it? Hate it? Please Comment review or Fan?! You know if you like this story enough to fan me =) 


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