Owl Mail

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I have made the executive decision to combine all of the tiny letter exchanging chapters into this one chapter. I will be unpublishing the other 7 chapters (that were originally published sometime in late November of 2018), but everything those chapters contained is now here.

⚠️CW added as content appeared in chapter (April 26, 2021)⚠️

Remus received his first letter from James:



Of course all is well here.

I hope your transformation a couple days ago went well. My mum and pop picked up some muggle chocolate for you, that's what's in the package.

Anyway, try to stay safe. Only one more full moon before our sixth year begins! And I have a brilliant idea to share with you when I see you again!


Oh! I almost forgot. How did it go with your parents?

Remus looked the letter over carefully before unwrapping the box of chocolate. It of course was delicious.



Thank you for the chocolate. It was delightful. No one was hurt during my transformation, and I only  have a few new (small) scars across my forearm. Nothing to worry about. I am already counting down to the next moon. I just want it to be over. Transforming at school is much easier.

My parents seem rather unshaken by my sexuality. Turns out my mother's aunt was gay. That was the first thing that they said to me as I approached them on the platform. Weird, but a good icebreaker I suppose.

Thanks again for the sweets. Can't wait to hear your brilliant plan.


He attached the parchment to Candor's leg, and she flew out the window, undoubtedly back to James.

A few days later, he received his first letter from Sirius:



Ha! You'll never believe it. My parents actually can hate me more. Who knew? Fascinating, really.

Remus could hear Sirius' anger in his writing as if he were actually saying it.

Just checking in on your post transformation state. I would have sent you chocolate, but I haven't been allowed to leave the house since I got home, and even if I had chocolate, I'd have to eat it myself; meals come sparingly. Of course, I don't write this to worry you.

Also, I hope your parents accepted you as they should.

And I'll write as often as I can, my mother seems to think I'm sending letters to mudbloods to start some sort of uprising. Delusional, really.

Anyways, see you in 42 days.

Your favorite blood traitor-


Remus' stomach clenched and his face fell as he read the way Sirius wrote his name.

Oh, wipe that sad look off your face Moony. I'm only joking.

Sirius knew Remus too well, and he couldn't help but smile as he read the last line. Sirius apparently hadn't had his sarcastic attitude completely driven out by his parents.

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