The worst day of Sirius' life.

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trigger warning: homophobia

"Get out! Get out, get out, get out!" Remus screamed. He was angry and he needed Sirius out of his sight.

Sirius cowered away, back towards their bedroom door. They'd been out of school for just over a year and Sirius was more than proud to have made a home with Remus.

But it wasn't domestic bliss.

Their service in The Order was ripping them apart.

"Remus, I-" Sirius said in a small voice.

Remus rounded on him, pinning him to the door with a hand on his throat. "Out."

"Please-" Sirius gasped. "They're coming."

Remus released him. "You think I care, really. Sirius all you ever were was a means to an end."

"Don't say that." Sirius made himself as small as possible as Remus towered over him. He hadn't seen this violent side of Remus since before their dominance ritual.

"It's the truth."


"What do you not get?" Sirius' unwillingness to accept this was only making Remus angrier. "I honestly wish I never met you. And I sure as hell wish I wasn't stuck with you as a partner. You're a lazy, arrogant asshole who is no better than his last name suggests!"


"If you're not going to leave, I will."


After Remus left him, everything was blurred. Sirius had visions of James and Marlene playing quidditch and Peter burning his house down and Remus kissing Bertram in their kitchen. He was woken by a thud from somewhere in the house.

When he stepped into the living room it was like stepping into his worst nightmare- even worse than the argument he and Remus just had.

"Please," Sirius whimpered, "please don't do this."

Before him stood Orion Black. As large and as intimidating as he was when he was using a belt on Sirius' back.

Orion chuckled.

"Don't, please Orion."

Kneeling on the floor before Orion was Remus with a wand shoved into his back. There were also tears in his favorite sweater and gashes across his face.

Orion jabbed his wand into Remus spine, the latter winced. "Why not. The world would be a better place with one less of your type. Unnatural homosexuals." He muttered a cruciatus curse that left Remus writhing in pain on the floor.

"Stop, stop please. I'll do anything."

"You'll do anything? You're the one who asked me to do this."

Sirius' mind reeled. He must have been imperiused or someone made a polyjuice potion of him. Never would he ever ask anyone to hurt Remus. He would never hurt Remus. "No. No-I-"

"You told me all those terrible things he said to you. Told you how he really felt and about how he used you just help himself. You told me about how he made you feel insecure and worthless. Which you may be. But at least you've come to your senses and have chosen a better path."

No one would know that unless Sirius told them.

He did this.

He was responsible for the pain Remus was experiencing now.

"But can't you just end it. End his suffering?" Sirius asked hopefully.

Orion grinned a twisted smile. "No. But you can."

Sirius then realized that he was hold his wand in his hand. He pointed it at Remus and without thinking uttered avada kedavra.

He looked at Remus laying below him. This was the only way.

"Sirius- Sirius, come on." Someone out of Sirius focus was calling for him. He sought out the voice. "Sirius." It continued to call. And Sirius tried harder and harder to find it. He was tearing through paper towels and towel after towel he was making no progress.

"I'm here. I'm here." Sirius tried to call back. He wanted out. He was stuck in his living room with his dead boyfriend who he just killed. His father had already left and now he was alone.

Except for the a voice. "Sirius!"

But he couldn't get to the voice.


And suddenly it was over.

"Sirius, oh my god." Remus was pulling him close to his chest. "Oh Merlin are you okay?"

Sirius pulled away only to determine if this was real or if that was real. His breaths were coming in rapid succession and his eyes were shot open. He nodded.

Remus pulled him closer. "What was it."

Sirius licked his lips and tried to form a coherent sentence. "Awful." He looked around and breathed a sigh of relief. They weren't at home. That was all a dream. The beige walls of their camp tent surrounded him and it smelled like Remus was cooking something for dinner. He pulled Remus in closer. "It was awful."

"Tell me about it?"

"No. Please don't make me." He cowered away from Remus again- much like he had in their argument earlier. That was a dream. He reminded himself.

Remus could sense Sirius' fear and gave him some space. "Okay, no problem." He offered kindly. "We can eat soon."

Sirius nodded and took another deep breath as he grasped the locket around his neck. Soon he'd have to tell Remus what affect it was really having on him.

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