Chapter 35: Dice With Death

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I heard of stories, fairytales, myths. Whatever they're called. They tell stories of men, ordinary men with extraordinary destinies. The hero of humble beginnings, beckoned forth to achieve greatness. To slay the evil black dragon. To hold back the army of evil. To turn the tide of war. The men that brought peace back to these very lands.

Myths, something we tell each other around the campfire, inspiring others and putting everyone in awe. The hero always overcomes overwhelming odds to defeat the bad guy and save the day. Well...

This ain't a fairytale.

I tighten my grip around my sword as the Goliath grins maliciously, staring at me with its bloodshot eyes. It hungers.

The exit is blocked with rubble. It can be cleared, sure, but it will take quite some time. And I'm not sure whether this Goliath is willing to wait that long for his next meal.

The only option is to fight. I'll fight, and Bell can bring reinforcements to help me. Yeah, just like how he did that time he defeated the Silverback.

Maybe, he'll alert the adventurers down there! And soon an army of high-level adventurers on a mission to rescue me when he wakes up! Yes, if I hold out long enough, I will make it out alive!

The Goliath, seeing its first meal presented before him, decides to act first and swings its large arms towards me.

"Crap!" I thought to myself as I try to block the Goliath's attack but I was a step too late, as the palm of the Goliath slams into me, sending me crashing into a stone pillar.

My head ringing, I pick myself up from the debris. I wipe the blood dripping down the sides of my mouth and grit my teeth. I mustn't forget that I am fighting a boss monster here. A false step here and my life will be gone in a snap.

If direct confrontation is a no no,  then I have to try to outmaneuver it.

The Goliath makes its second attack, to which I barely parry away its hand before I unleash a barrage of flash bangs, temporarily stunning it.

Making my way into the forest of pillars, I hastily run around some pillars before diving behind a rather thick pillar, large enough to span several metres, as the Goliath approaches. I look at my hands, my grip on my sword has not loosen one bit. With renewed hope of survival I steel myself for the task at hand. 

As the Goliath slowly searches around each pillar, pausing occasionally to sniff the air, I shuffle through my belongings, to search for anything useful to fight against the Goliath.

Rope, my last few flash bangs, one last health potion, just small stuff. Damn it, I used up everything during the journey here I forgot to conserve.

As I sigh heavily, I notice a small, yet heavy flask tied to my belt. A small flask, containing some flammable liquid...

That's it! My last Flame Flask. I wanted to use it against that group of Minotaurs we encountered before this, but then I remembered that fire type attacks are weak against Minotaurs. But, what about a boss monster like Goliath? Will he be affected?

The Red Minotaur I faced did get startled and stunned momentarily by a Fire Flask, maybe I can use it to distract the Goliath if it can be damaged by fire and I could escape over the rubble blocking the exit. Yeah, it could work. But, that's a big IF.

Well, what better way to know something than to experience it yourself?

Bursting out of cover, I whistle at the Goliath, which has been searching somewhere amongst the forest of pillars. Its eyes immediately glow red and, seeing my presence, got up and started to chase me.

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