The Reunion

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Williams: Alright lets continue the story.

A/N: what did I say?

Williams: I know but why not so sentients damage report.

Sentient: You broke three rib cage bones, both legs have fractures and left hand damaged and we healed most but the hand isn't fully healed so don't fight today.

Williams: Thank you and leave.( So they disappeared and left him in silence)

Timeskip to school

Williams:* great now I need to talk to Rias and have a chat and tell Asia something.*

Issei: Hello Earth to Williams. (As he was waving his hand near Williams face)

Williams:What Issei.

Issei: Hey just checking if you were alive and Rias wants to see you.

Williams:*what a coincidence* Alright.

Timeskip to the ORC club

Rias: Ah Williams nice to see y--

Williams: You know what lets skip the greeting and all of that and I will get to the point and say I know who you truly are Gremory so what do you want.( As he leans on the wall).

Rias: How do you k--.

Williams: I know because I know the three factions very well so what do you want to know.

Rias: Who are you truly?

Williams: Well my name is really Williams Lerune and I am a hunter since I am sure that girl who has white hair knows.


Akeno: So you know we followed you?

Williams: yes and now to answer your next question on what is a hunter since I am 100% sure they got rid of everything about us so before the great war between the three factions they all had one enemy which us the hunters since our goal was suppose to stop the Great war but no one listened to us. That is how we had such a long war and all fo us got bounties and etc. Then at one point they nearly killed us all but we I lived and two others.

Issei: So wait how much was your bounty just curious?

Asia: Issei!!

Williams: Its alright I don't mind answering it was around worth today at 1,000,000,000 yen today or $8,853,000 if I'm right. Why?

Rias: How?

Williams: Since I am king or leader. Anymore questions?

Asia: Why is it I have seen you somewhere before going into the church?

Williams: Well Asia since I think you don't know I was the one who saved you from the past and brought you to a orphanage.

(Asia ran up to him and hugged him)

Asia: Thank youn!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!

Williams: Your welcome.

Asia: * I can't believed the person that saved me and who I already loved is here)

Williams: Ok can we separate now.( And she did). Then next on the agenda Ria's I have a proposition for you and everyone.

Rias: What is it?

Williams: I will be your ally in battle and a friend but not part of your peerage. I will help in any way possible but Mark my words betray me and you shall lose someone from your peerage. Deal?

Rias: Alright.

Williams: Now then tell me which piece is which since all I figured out is who is the queen which is Akeno, Bishop is Asia and Issei is pawn. Am I right.

Issei: Wait how did you know.

Williams: since your power is not great yet but time will tell.

Issei: oh yeah.(He tried to punch him and he grabbed his hand and flipped him to the ground)

Williams: See what I mean.

Issei: ok.( As he stands up and grabs his arm)

Williams: So who is who?

Rias: Kiba is my knight and Koneko is my rook.

Williams: Alright so continue with what you are doing and I will just sit for now.

(Then Asia went to him)

Asia: Williams remember the promise you made to me.

Williams: Yes I do so here is the emblem I said I will give.

Williams: Yes I do so here is the emblem I said I will give

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Williams: Keep it safe and don't lose it.

Asia: Alright (with a smile).


Williams: Well then I need to get home now so see you all tomorrow then.

ORC members: See you then.

Asia: mumbles*I will make you mine but if I have to share I won't mind as long as I am number one*.

Issei: Did you say something Asia?

Asia: Nothing!!!( With a hint of red blush on her face)


Williams: Well that went well didn't it?

IFRIT: That is true sir.

Williams: Finally home.( as he opens the door)

???: Took you long enough to get home.

(Williams turns to the guy sitting on the couch)

Williams: Who are you? ( Draws blades)

??? For you I am ...

A/N: Alright everyone that will be for know and sorry since this is not that long and please don't be mad at me if I am bad at the harem thing just comment on any error or suggestions for my extras or who do you want to be part of the harem and guys there might not be a lemon in this story until near end or half point of the story or there might not be one at all since of my main character.

???: Seriously a cliffhanger?

Williams: Get use to it.

???: Fine.

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