into the mind

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A/N: I got side tracked and almost forgot I was writing a story.

A/n is sitting in a cafe then decided to freeze time and opened a portal and Williams fell out of it.

Williams: Where where am I?(Williams is looking around and notices A/n sitting on a chair and drinking some coffee while reading a book). What am I doing here?

A/n: Because remember the promise we made before?

Williams: Alright then where is Y/N then?

A/n: Don't worry he is here.

Then a portal opens and Y/n fell from the portal and hit the ground.

Y/n: owowowow. Did you really have to do that!!

A/n: Well you were busy so how was I suppose to get you.

Y/n: By not opening a portal and grabbing me while I am busy.

A/n: hey chill at least we are all here now.

Then the two decided to sit down and then the three of them decided to have a chat while A/n is ordering them some drinks.

A/n: So how is your life treating you all?

Williams: God I wish you put me in a better setting that this you know. Why can't I live a simpler life?

A/n: Plot convenience? Running out of ideas for a good first story? Eh who knows. What about you Y/n?

Y/n: Well life still the same except we have to fight soon do we?

A/n: Well that is how I wrote my story.

Williams: Anyways where are we? This doesn't look like a normal cafe.

A/n: Well this is what I like to call the writers domain. This is where I like to come and think of stories and plot points.

Y/n: so this is your mind in a way.

A/n: In a simpler words yeah I would say.

Williams: So is there something you want to talk about to us?

A/n: Well let me start with you. Do you hate your current setting?

Williams: Of course I do hate it. Why would I enjoy incest and I am already married to someone so why do I need a harem?

A/n: Common plot of any story and there are people who enjoys this.

Y/n: But isn't having a harem a bad thing in its way since you either have to choose one or you can choose all and after that you have to think for your future with them. An example will be who do spend time with? How are you going to have children with all of them if you don't have Offbrand stamina and all and my favorite one is your wallet.

Williams: Exactly what he said how am I going to survive like this.

A/n: you know you are a God right so you should be fine with those last two problems and the first problem can we not talk about it. It ruins the plot of anime. I will let the voters decide what they want. Well then how about you Y/n?

Y/n: Well then since you made two m/c in one book my side of the coin has been more chaotic now by not just having to take care of normal futuristic police problems but also his problems since rifts have been opening and we have to fight enemies coming from different dimensions now!! And seriously what the hell are these zergs. They are one hell of a problem that we thought they would be.

A/n: Well in reality they have been a problem in the universe now but those guys that you have been fighting are not under Kerrigans control but other Zerg queens that decide to rule a certain percent of the original army.

Y/n: And what is the original  number we are talking about?

A/n: Who knows let us go pass 1 trillion.

Williams: I feel bad for you.

A/n: Hey don't think I forgot about you.

Williams: Well this is going to be fun.

A/n: We'll see. Is there anything else you want to talk about?

Williams: Oh yeah what the hell did you do to Monica?

A/n: What are you talking about that is her normally a bit yandere who can control the story to an extent.

Williams: Wait you are saying we can change to story if we want.

A/n: Well yeah you guys can but please don't try to do it often or else I have to take care of some bugs in the book.

Williams: Don't worry we both don't abuse our powers. Right y/n?

Y/n: yeah don't worry.

A/n: Thank God for that well anyways if we have nothing else to talk about I think t is time for both of you to head back to your worlds and continue on with where you left off.

Williams: That seems like a good idea.

Y/n: Yeah I'm beat but I still have s**t to do.

Two portals appeared and both mc went thru and A/n is left alone.

A/n:*sighs* what a day to handle and what a problem the world is handling well here is a new chapter and sorry I have been playing some Lol and have been lazy to continue this but still here alive

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