IFRIT Revelation

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As the two were heading to the fight Williams noticed Y/n at the a tree watching the match

Williams: Chris go on ahead I just have to go and talk with someone.

Chris: Yes sir. (Then both headed different ways)

Williams: What are you doing here?

Y/n: What can't I just watch.

Williams: You are lying to me and tell me now.

Y/n: Fine just here to tell you one of the projects of my team I work in got lose and is coming to get you.

Williams: When will it arrive?

Y/n: When the author says so.

A/n: Are we seriously going to have to talk all three of us at the same time when it is just us?

Williams and Y/n: Yes we are.

A/n: You know what at some point let us all meet at the same time and just talk but at some other time.

Williams: Alright then I will leave both of you since I have someone to take down.

Time skip

Kokabiel: You think any of you can stop me.

(Imagine all of the Orc club members are down and also Xenovia)

Kokabiel: Valper finish the work!!!


Kokabiel: Valper?


Kokabiel: What is happening ---

(Then he notices Valper is lying on the ground and Chris on top of him and holding all the Excalibur copy cats)

Kokabiel: Who are you?

Chris: My name is Chris and I am a hunter.

Kokabiel: So the hunters live(while he has a grin on his face). I hope you give a good---( but a spear was being thrown at him but he dodged it and when he turned around he saw Williams Lerune. Well well well the King has lived.

Williams: Long time no see Kokabiel.

Kokabiel: I didn't expect you to live but when I heard the King has lived I was happy that I have someone who can challenge me.

Williams: This time I am going to kill you once and for all and revenge all those innocent hunters you have killed without showing mercy.( He pulls his sword but his eyes are slowly turning black and red at the same time from gold). Chris check if they are all right.

Chris: Yes sir. *s**t sir is turning rampage again.

Rampage: Now die you idiot.

Rampage rushed at Kokabiel by summoning portals on the ground to get up to him and try to slash him but he is using his wings as shields and he tries to circle him but Kokabiel is to quick for him.

Kokabiel: It seems like you have gotten slower.

Rampage: Shut up you idiot!! You shall pay for your sins.

At the orc

Rias: Chris i--s that really Williams?

Chris: No it isn't that is Rampage since if that was sir he wouldn't continuously fight him head on but outplay and outsmart him. (as he was healing Asia)

Back to them

Rampage summoned a hammer and whack it at him but nothing until he didn't notice that he thrust a spear thru the body of Williams and used his powers to strike him hard to the ground.

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