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Williams and his peerage arrived first by a couple hours so the peerage is training well except Sans who is napping while Williams is pacing around the place.

Williams: What is taking them so long. ( getting agitated)

Guison: We just have to wait and most likely training that pervert slightly.

Williams: Alright then just continue training.

Guison: Sir just out of curiosity of all of us here when are you going to tell them that you are a God and when are you going to tell them about the curse/blessing (depends on your perspective readers but you will know in a time)?

Williams: When the time is right for them to know but all we can do is wait and see if they are reasonable enough to what I will say or do we erase their memories about me and move on.

Time skip

Rias: Williams there you are!!!

Asia: Darling-kun!!!

Akeno: Fufufu nice to see you Williams-kun.

Williams: Hello everyone. Where is Issei, Kiba and Koneko?

Rias: They are carrying the luggage. I can see you brought your peerage.

Williams: They are going to train you all.

Rias: Alright th---

Issei: This is so heavy!!!!

Williams: Shut up and carry it since you need to figure out how to use your balance breaker and you need strength training!!!

Time skip

Rias: Alright everyone let us see how  Williams will train us.

Akeno: I hope it is fun ;)

Williams: *I will pretend that i did not hear that* Before we start let us just wait for my other replacement knight.( Then everyone who is in his peerage except Sans who is napping shivered)

The sky turned dark and everyone on Rias' side guard went up.

Issei: What the hell is happening?

Then Issei got a knife to his neck

???: A devil. I wonder what is the taste of your blood.

Williams: Helcurt stop what you are doing and get over here.

Helcurt: Fine. (then he flickered beside him) Just to Williams to hear *Are you at least letting me feast for once or one of them?

Williams:No you are not they are my friends and depends if you "act well".

Helcurt: Fine (keeps his knife).

Rias: Well then are we going to train then?

Williams: Alright then let us begin so who goes first?

Koneko: I will.

Williams: Alright Grock you got this.

Grock: For the knigdom.

First battle Grock vs Koneko  

(Koneko got to her fighting stance while wearing her gloves while Grock carries his hammer like weapon and stands near a wall)

Williams: Begin.

Koneko charges at Grock and punches him and he did not budge then he punches her hard in the stomach and sends her back. "Don't go to hard on her Grock" by Williams. She get back up and charges again and punches him continuously but still nothing while dodging Grock's hammer then he charges his hammer and did a spin attack which sends her in the air and he went up and slammed her back to the ground with enough force to make the ground slightly shake. Winner Grock

The last of the hunter (High school dxd) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now