The Phoenix

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Timeskip to school

Williams: *God what an interesting night right IFRIT?*

IFRIT: *Well for you it was but for me just boredom since you haven't use me yet.*

Williams: *Patience my friend.*
(Then someone hugged him from the back)

???: Morning Williams-kun?

Williams: Morning Asia.

Asia: How did you know?( With a questioning face)

Williams: Since your voice is familiar and you are the first person that I know that will do this.

Asia: oh um um o..ok.( with a small blush on her face)

Williams: Lets go to class and where is Issei?

Asia: He went to join with his friends. Why?

Williams: (while rubbing his temple)Alright then lets go we will see them beaten up later.

Timeskip into the club

Williams: Afternoon everyone.

Everyone expect Rias: Afternoon Williams.
( Sits on couch and everyone is discussing things while you were talking to IFRIT and you noticed that Rias looks like she is thinking about something)

Williams: *Is it me or is something wrong with Rias today?*

IFRIT: *Seems like it*.

Williams: * I'll ask her later but for now let us just wait.*

Timeskip when it was only you and Rias left in the room.

(He walked up to Rias and asked)

Williams: Rias are you ok?
( But no answer)

Williams: ( You waved your hand in front of her face) Hello Earth to Rias ?

(Then she snapped back to reality)

Rias: Sorry Williams I was just spacing out.

Williams: No you weren't something is bothering you what is it?

Rias: Can I ask you something just between you and me?

Williams: Go ahead (as he seats on a chair.)

Rias: What do you think about weddings or marriages?

Williams: Why are you asking me?

Rias: Since you are old so most likely you gathered information about it.

Williams: *ouch that hurts* well for me weddings is when two people who fell in love with each other can start a loving and an unbreakable love for each other and for marriages it is you have a life only meant for each other and that is it you shouldn't toy with the other person and take advantage of him or her since you wanted only her beauty, money , fame and most likely her body since once you are done toying with him or her you separate and never love each other again and the other person will live in shame and pain and might move on or stay in depression. Why are asking anyways?

Rias: Nothing just curious and what do you think about force marriage?

Williams: Well that is what I call a bulls**t wedding since most weddings that are like that they are only using it to use that family or put a truce between each other and those people doesn't even like each other in the first place and out of nowhere they are force to get married that is what I think about it.

Rias: Last question will you do anything to protect a person?

Williams: For me the promise I made to you guys is that I will protect you all until my last breath and that I get to see you guys smile or be happy.

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