Five Times

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Adrien had many, many memories of his childhood.

Most of which included his mother.

He loved his father and all, but his mother had been so very unique. He couldn't remember a day that had went by without him telling Emilie Agreste that he loved her. And not a day had gone by when she hadn't smiled and said it back.

Despite this, there were a few moments that stood out.

Five memories that would forever be burned into his mind.

Five times he had told his mother how much he loved her.


The first time, they had been baking together.

"Mama!" Adrien squealed, running from his mother. Emilie laughed and followed after her 3 year old son, holding out her flour covered hands. He yelled again and ran away, tiny feet pattering against the kitchen floor. 

"Come here, kitten!" His mother called teasingly and he excitedly hid behind a shelf, writhing in anticipation.

Emilie walked heavily, making sure her son could hear her footsteps. Sure enough, a burst of quiet giggling came from behind a shelf, and Emilie drew closer to Adrien's hiding spot, pretending to ponder his whereabouts.

"Gotcha!" She yelled happily, and Adrien squealed and roared with laughter as his mother wrapped him in a hug, the flour on her hands spreading to his shirt and dusting his fluffy, golden locks.

"My my, kitten. Look at the mess we've got ourselves in," Emilie chuckled, gesturing to the flour coated kitchen. Adrien looked at his surroundings and giggled, white powder shaking free from his clothes and hair as he twisted in his mother's arms.

"Papa isn't going to be happy," Adrien remarked. However, his face was free of tension.

Emilie shook her head dismissively. "Oh, he'll be fine. Gabriel has seen worse moments in the kitchen than this." Adrien laughed again and a wide grin broke out on Emilie's beautiful face as she watched her son in fondness. She hugged him tightly and Adrien squeezed back.

"I love you, Mama."

"I love you, too, kitten."


The second time, his mother had been putting him to bed.

Four year old Adrien whimpered at the deafening storm outside his window, lightning flashing and thunder rumbling. He shook in fear and hugged his mother across the stomach, laying his head on Emilie's chest.

"It's okay, Adrien," Emilie cooed lovingly, wrapping the boy in her warm embrace. "It's just a storm."

"C-can you sing that song again? Light in the Hallway?" Adrien tentatively whispered and Emilie smiled adoringly at her son.

"You don't ever have to ask," She murmured and Adrien hugged her tighter as she began to hum the melody. Her soothing voice calmed the shaking boy and he was slowly lulled into a half asleep state.

The softest sound of footsteps were heard and Emilie looked up to see Gabriel standing near the doorway, the smallest of smiles playing his lips.

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