Trelawny x F: Complicated

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(Reader speaks in italics and thoughts are in bold.)

I closed my eyes trying everything in my power not to strangle the man next to me. "Remind me to ask why Dutch keeps you around exactly." Josiah huffed throwing his hands up in a dramatic manner. "I was only trying to help." I balled my fist up glaring at him. Luckily he was sitting on the other side of the camp fire out of my reach. "You got us lost!" I shouted clenching my jaw. "I admit we may be a little off track but certainly not lost." I tossed another log onto the fire shaking my head. 'How the hell have you survived this long?' I thought scanning the woods for predators. "If we make it back, you have the honor of telling Dutch how you lost the money." I informed him sending him another death glare. "Dutch won't be angry. He loves me!" I grabbed my sleeping bag from my horse laying it near the fire. "What are you doing?" I unzipped it kicking off my shoes. "I'm getting some sleep." I grumbled climbing inside. "Out here?! Are you mad woman?! I demand a hotel! I refuse to sleep on the ground like a uncivilized hillbilly!" I shot up from the ground walking around the fire and over to him. "If you don't shut your god damn mouth I'll leave you out here." I threatened jabbing a finger into his chest. He may be taller than me but i knew i could still kick his ass. "Your just like Mr. Morgan. Always trying to act tough and sour." I let out a snort. "At least Arthur is an actual man compared to you." I countered making him glare. "Arthur is nothing compared to me. I am far better than him in every way!" I arched a brow. "So if your the better man why not say that to his face when we get back?" I watched the color drain from his face making me smirk. "I refuse to stay here any longer!" He huffed marching over to his horse. I climbed back into my sleeping bag waving him off.

"I'm leaving."

"Goodbye then."

"You aren't going to stop me?"

"Your a man aren't you?"

I heard him sigh. I sat up watching as he slowly walked back to the fire defeated. "I take it back. Arthur would have had the decency to find me a hotel." I rolled my eyes. "If you like him so much why don't you marry him?" I snapped making him pout. "You are the most unladylike woman i have ever met." I shrugged. "Good for you Mr. Trelawny." I mumbled laying back down. "I really can't change your mind on a hotel?" I shrugged again. "You can try. I highly doubt you will. Charms and all." He arched a brow. "You think I'm charming?" I paused taking in what i had said and blushed. "Uh.....No." Trelawny sauntered over to me with a smirk. "Is that why your so cruel? Are you trying to impress me? Is that it?" I laughed shaking my head. "No I'm afraid that's just my personality." He knelt down still smirking. "I'm quite sure i can change your mind now." I rolled my eyes. "And how is that Mr. Trelawny?" He leaned down his hot breath tickling my neck. "Because if you find me a hotel we can have some fun." I knew my face was a deep scarlet. Though my brain screamed against it I pushed him away angrily getting up. "Your lucky I like you." I grumbled packing up my gear. Trelawny stood next to his horse a smug smirk plastered on his lips.

(I love Trelawny. He's a good replacement for Mr. West Dickens)

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