Trelawny x Female: A Dance With The Devil In The Pale Moonlight...

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(This is based off of the theory that trelawny is the stranger in the i know you missions from the first game. In the first game it is implied that i know you guy is possibly the Devil. Reader speaks in italics and thoughts are in bold.)

The night was filled with unholy howls and shrieks. I stood off to the side watching in terror as the witch doctor preformed the ritual. "It is done!" She announced making me jump. "What happens now?" I asked trying not to gag from the stench of the swamp that surrounded us. "You must stay here alone until he comes. If you leave this area beforehand you will face severe consequences." I fought back the urge to roll my eyes. I never believed in the paranormal or religion. But as a journalist running out of ideas to write on i had thought the inbreed idiots that lived in this swamp would be a good story. How wrong i truly was. Now i was standing in the middle of a swamp at midnight with the moonlight as my only source to see. I hummed a small tune to myself as i glanced around the area for any signs of life. 'I shouldn't have come out here. For all i know they could be setting me up to rob or kill me.' I thought frowning. "Well this was a waste of time." I mumbled to myself turning to walk back to my horse. "Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?" I quickly turned around. A man stood a few feet away leaning against a large tree. His clothing was far too elegant to be one of the hill folk i had met earlier. "Your him?" I asked placing a hand on my hip. He smirked dramatically bowing. "Josiah Trelawny at your service." I arched a brow. "I thought the devil was named Lucifer." He chuckled moving closer to me. His intoxicating scent enveloped me overpowering the stench of the swamp. "Why did you call me?" He asked arching a brow. I stared into his eyes which held a malicious intent and swallowed the lump in my throat. "I don't believe in the paranormal or in religion. I came to prove it doesn't exist." He threw back his head howling with laughter. "Your more ignorant than you look. So what? Are you going to ask me to do something impossible so you can believe?" I felt my face turn flush at his mocking tone. "Well your the devil aren't you? Do something only he can do." He rolled his eyes. "It's not that simple darling. We must make a deal. Only then can i do something." I studied him for a few moments before sighing. "What kind of deal?" His eyes shined brightly with excitement. "I'll do something impossible if you swear yourself to me and only me." I let out a snort. "What you want me to swear my soul?" I asked sarcastically. "You would belong to me my dear. Not just your soul. Your life, your future and your love is mine and only mine to have." I stared at him for a moment. "Why would you want such a thing?" I asked curiously. "It's simple. You must sacrifice something of high importance for it to be fair. So do we have a deal?" He stuck out his hand patiently waiting for me to make a move. 'It's not real anyway.' I thought grabbing his hand and shaking it. "Watch closely." He pulled his top hat off his head and stuck his hand inside pulling out a dead songbird. I scrunched my face in disgust. He placed the songbird in one hand and placed his other hand on top covering the bird. I watched silently for a few moments before sighing. "Nothing is happ-" I was cut off by the sound of faint chirping. He opened his hand to revel the songbird was very much alive. It stared at me for a moment before flying away leaving me in astonishment. "A deals a deal darling." The amazement i felt quickly vanished at the sound of his voice and was replaced with dread. He was real and i was foolish enough to accept his deal. "Trying to back out of a deal with me would be very unwise. Now say it." The malicious intent was back in his eyes making me shutter. With tears flowing down my face i took a deep breath and began to speak. "I swear myself to you and only you." He smirked patting my head like a dog. "Good girl. Now sleep." I stared at him with anger and confusion until the world around me began to fade into nothingness.


I let out a soft groan opening my eyes. There my family stood hovering over me with teary eyes. I quickly sat up scanning the area only to realize i was back home in my room. "What happened?" I asked softly. "They found you nearby a dirt road in a ditch unconscious. You've been out for three whole days. We thought you weren't going to wake up." After giving each of my family a hug i finally stood out of bed. My thoughts quickly consumed me as i looked around. What it a dream then? Did my imagination get the better of me in a moment of weakness? It surely must have considering i was standing in my room now. "We'll leave you to get dressed. Breakfast will be ready shortly." I nodded keeping a stone face until my door finally shut. I bit my lip to silence myself as tears fell down my cheeks. 'It felt so real. Am i going insane?' I took a deep breath to calm myself before changing into a nice blue dress. After ganging the courage to go downstairs i forced myself to go into the dining room. My family was seated at the table having small conversations between each other. "Good morning princess." I sighed and rolled my eyes. Princess. I hated that nickname ever since i was a child. "Good morning father." I mumbled sitting down at the table. "I hope you don't mind that we have a guest coming. I know you must be so tired after being out for so long." I shrugged staring down at the food. "It's okay. I don't mind at all." The sound of footsteps filled the room causing me to look up at the doorway to the dining room. I froze in place dropping my fork onto the plate of food. "This is Josiah. We met at a saloon a couple of weeks ago and he's been a dear friend ever since." He locked eyes with me almost instantly causing my heart to nearly explode out of fear. "Josiah Trelawny at your service." He smirked before bowing just as he had done before. At that moment i finally knew the devil was real and he had his sights all on me.

(Okay I've been wanting to do this for awhile but i couldn't figure out what to write. I think my writing flow is finally coming back again so yay. Requests are open.)

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