Arthur X Female: Apologizes

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(Reader speaks in italics and thoughts are in bold.)

I stormed out of the tent and towards my horse wiping away the tears that flowed down my face. "Mrs. Morgan what's wrong?" Hosea grabbed my arm gently gaining the attention of the entire camp. I blinked back a few tears before looking at Hosea with a deep frown. "Ask Arthur." I snapped before taking off my wedding ring and putting it into Hosea's hand. "I'm heading out for a few days." I mumbled ignoring the pleads to stay and explain. I mounted my horse pausing when i noticed Arthur was now outside our tent staring at me. I gave him a final harsh glare before taking off down the trail and out of sight. I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself down. I honestly had no destination. I just wanted to get as far away from Arthur as possible. My mind began to wander to my favorite spot causing me to steer my horse in that direction. When I was younger i when out exploring and found the most beautiful oak tree I'd ever seen. It stood atop a hill proudly rising above the other inferior trees. Now having a destination in mind I urged my horse to speed up. After a few minutes I finally arrived. I hopped off my horse walking up the steep hill until I reached the tree. "I knew you'd come here." I gasped loudly quickly turning around. "Why are you even here?!" I snapped angrily. "I wanted to apologize." Arthur stood before me holding his hands in a formal manner which was something he did when he was nervous. "You wanted to apologize or did Dutch want you to apologize?" He cracked a small smile. "I was going to apologize.........whether Dutch yelled at me or not." I looked away from him frowning. "Arthur you know better than anyone you can't just walk away from this life. That is why i was so upset with you telling me no. I'm a gunslinger Arthur and always will be. I can't be your perfect little house wife." Arthur took a couple steps forwards gently grabbing both of my hands. "I know and I'm sorry. It was wrong of me to ask you to stop being who you are. And I do admit I kinda miss robbing people with you." I flashed him a small smile. "I love you." I sighed staring deeply into his blue eyes. "I love you too." He stepped back pulling something out of his satchel. "Do you still love me enough to wear this?" He asked holding out the wedding ring he had proposed to me with four years ago. I held out my hand smiling as he slipped the ring back on. "You know....the gang still thinks I'm pissed at you.... why don't we spend the night here?" Arthur chuckled softly shaking his head. "Anything you want Mrs. Morgan."

(How was that? I know i haven't written anything in awhile and I'm sorry for that. I just couldn't come up with any good ideas. I'm taking requests again. Just message me if you have an idea.)

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