Arthur x John: In The End It Wasn't Meant To Be

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(Reader speaks in italics and thoughts are in bold.)

Arthur watched as John stared down at his belongings. The torn look on his face was killing the older man. "John." Arthur called out softly. John slowly looked up at him. "It's okay if you need to stay. I understand." A few days ago Arthur just didn't feel right being with the gang anymore. He had hoped his secret lover would leave with him and start a new life. But now seeing him like this Arthur wasn't sure he wanted John to follow. "I can't." His voice was so quiet Arthur almost didn't hear him. Arthur stared up at the sky taking a deep breath. Arthur took a step forward and placed his hand on John's shoulder gently. "I'll miss you." He whispered softly before removing his hand. He turned to his horse which had all of his belongings stowed on it. "Arthur." John's voice was so broken. "Please don't hate me for this." Arthur let out a sad laugh. "I don't hate you for staying." He mounted his horse taking in a shaking breath. Sure on the outside he looked fine but in reality Arthur was as broken as he could be. "Goodbye John." Arthur took off down the trail forcing himself not to look back. As he rode off towards a new life he took a moment to reflect. He knew the gang was going to be upset when they woke up and found he was gone. He knew Dutch and Hosea were going to be heartbroken. He honestly didn't know what happened. He supposed he loved John so much the gunslinger in him vanished. He now simply wanted to settle down and live an honest life. Letting out a long sigh he continued down the rode as dawn quickly approached.

~1 Year Later~

Arthur let out a loud yawn as he sat up in his bed. Swinging his legs over the side he let out a groan as he stretched. He had made a small cabin up in Ambarino. He knew being this deep in the mountains would make it hard for any of the gang to find him easily. Standing up he got himself dressed before making himself a cup of coffee. Opening the front door he stood on his small porch with a small smile. That smile quickly faded when he saw someone approaching his home. Grabbing his Springfield rifle from inside the house he quickly walked down the steps standing in the snow in front of his home. "Listen feller you got a minute to get off my property before I start shooting!" He shouted gritting his teeth. "Arthur! It's me!" He froze in place. He watched as John dismounted his horse and ran over to him giving him a hug. "Your one hard man to find these days." John joked as he pulled away from the hug. "John what are you doing here?" Arthur ask his voice stern and serious. John looked at the ground in a shy manner. "I miss you......and I want you to come back." Arthur took a step back frowning. "That part of my life is over John." John frowned. "I still love you." He spoke softly. "Stay with me." John seemed taken back by Arthur's offer. "Arthur you know i can't do that." Arthur flashed John a sad smile. He turned away without another word going back into his home. "Arthur!" He paused on the steps of his porch and turned. John ran up the steps throwing himself at Arthur smashing his lips onto his. Arthur quickly caught John kissing him back without any hesitation. John pulled away smiling. "I know no matter what we do this isn't going to work....but for tonight.....let's just pretend it can." Arthur was taken back by his offer but quickly regained composure. Arthur carried John into his home happy that for once his bed wouldn't be empty.

(I'm trying to write some serious books but it's so frustrating  for me. I will be updating the oneshots again but it will be slow updates. I haven't really written in a couple of weeks so i hope my writing is still good. Thanks for reading!)

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