Dutch X Arthur: We Loved Once And True....

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(Reader or character speaks in italics and thoughts are in bold)

"Arthur please stop!" Arthur stormed out of the hotel clenching his jaw in anger. "I don't wanna hear your lies Dutch!" Arthur snapped turning around to face him. "She caught me in a moment of weakness. It was a honest mistake." Arthur's gaze moved from his eyes to his neck which was peppered in red lipstick stains. "I've made a lot of mistakes in my life Dutch. What you did was unforgivable." Dutch moved forward grabbing Arthur's wrists. "I'm sorry." Arthur yanked his wrists from Dutch's grasp. "You cheat on me and all you got to say is sorry?! I've been nothing but loyal to you Dutch! Do you know how many times Mary has come to see me in this last month alone? Seven times. She's come to me seven different times begging for me to be hers again. And each time i told her no because i loved you. All i ever asked for was loyalty Dutch which was something you've preached to me since you found me as a kid. I guess it was a mistake believing you'd actually be loyal."  Arthur spat before mounting his horse and taking off. He spent the next few hours hunting before he finally returned to the camp. As he expected Dutch was waiting for him. "It's over. I'll always be there for you Dutch. But I can't love you in that way anymore." Arthur dismounted his horse and stood before him. "Arthur nobodies perfect. Everyone including me makes mistakes fr-" Arthur cut him off. "No. I don't want to hear your excuses." Arthur stepped around him walking into the camp. He went straight for his tent hiding away from the world. He laid down on his cot staring up at the ceiling. He was once again alone. He had no one to hold at night. No one to tell his worries. No one to love. He was utterly alone as he always had been. He silently drifted to sleep with a sad expression on his face.

(I haven't posted anything in awhile and i apologize for that. I've had a lot going on and writing was too difficult at the time. My first couple of chapters are gonna suck because it will take me awhile to get back into the proper flow of writing. Requests are open. Thanks for reading. Also please let me know if this was stupid or not because i feel like this chapter is pretty stupid.)

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