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"Why in the... you know what goodbye" I said as I tried to exit but the crowd around us wouldn't let me pass. "Ugghhh... you know, I hate you sometimes" which made Stephen giggle. They played Hello, Summer on You, Mind of poisiden, Would you mind, Healthy, Real friends, etc. They were done singing and it was now the vip part of the tour. We walked into the room and the boys greeted us with hugs, which I thought was weird since I was not really up for it. "So who are you ladies?" Zion asked, "I'm Stephen and she's Kiki" Stephen said. Nick stood silent for a minute and continued to ask "wait a minute..." he pulled out his phone " this Kiki?" I nodded and he proceeded to stay silent on his phone while the other guys made conversation with me. My phone dung and I looked to see that it was Nick

Why don't you tell me you knew pretty much and were going to our concert???

I spoke in a serious voice full of attitude, "well I didn't know I was coming and didn't wanna and I didn't tell you since I didn't feel like it" the rest of prettymuch asked about what I was talking about and so did Stephen, who I forgot to tell and I told them.
They all were kinda shocked especially my best friend since I hadn't told her. When it was time to leave and our vip session was over, Nick went to me first and hugged me then the rest of the boys looked at him with a look and he just rolled his eyes, then the rest of the boys continued to hug me and Stephen.

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