I've missed you...

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Kiki's POV
It was Nick and Sophia... I didn't even know she was here. After a while she walked away not even looking at me,  but she had dropped something, so I decided to pick it up. It was a paper labeled "Plan" on top...


1. Warnings
2. Scare them with Brick
3.break them up
4.warn Nick to stay away
5.keep him away and make him yours.

I was completely shocked "what the actual f**k" I said and put the note in my pocket. Warnings.... could it be her texting me ?the brick... she threw it!!! I guess Nick heard me since he was looking at me from the other side of the kitchen. "Nick.." I said and he ignored me "NICK..." I said a little louder and he looked at me "what?" He said obviously drunk out of his mind. "S**t you're drunk... let me get your phone real quick I'll give it back, I promise" I said and he refused, so when he walked past me to go back to the party I snatched his phone from his back pocket, I know what you're thinking, and yes I'm gonna give it back later. I took a picture of the paper and saved it to his phone, from there I opened text from the same creepy number that was texting me... it was full of threats, I decided to take screenshots and sent them to my number along with the photo. I walked up to Nick and said "you dropped your phone" and walked away. I could feel him staring as I walked away from him. "STEPHEN!!" I yelled looking around for her. "STEPHEN!!!" I asked around and Eric said he saw her go to the bathroom so I went to the bathroom to see if she was there.
She was but she was crying, "what's wrong??" I asked and, it was obvious She had been a little too drunk and told me how Sophia had lied to me and told her about it. "WHAT?!  AND YOU DIDNT THINK TO TELL ME?! WHAT ABOUT OUR NO SECRET PACT FROM ELEMENTARY? Huh!?" I left her there... I was too mad to care that she was drunk and too mad to forgive her. I started crying... it seems like I can't trust anyone anymore, I walked home even though it was a thirty minute walk and it was kinda cold outside, my anger kept me from feeling it. I went home and saw Riley asleep on the sofa, I covered her and went to bed.
The next day

I decided to text nick since I new he was actually saying the truth, I felt so bad for not believing him.

Hey nick... can we please speak?

Please Nick... I'm sorry. I really am I know this won't fix us but I'm not gonna give up


Sorry for what? Accusing me and then thinking I'm lying?😤🙄

Yeah and for not asking you before I acted... I believe you and I should've from the beginning...

A tear had fallen down my face... I don't think he's gonna forgive me any time soon...

... it's fine, I'm sorry for over reacting...

Thank you... I'm so glad, I kinda missed you bugging me..🤣 when can we meet up though

I kinda missed bugging you too... any time you want besides today. I gotta ttyl ❤️


I couldn't believe it, this is proof I can probably fix our relationship... a smile grew across my face, my baby is back. The big thing now is how will I get Our stalker away so all of us can be safe now?...

Nicks POV
I smiled, I missed her so much, but how will I keep all of us safe?

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