The intruder

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^me cause Edwin was in the Bronx

Kiki's POV
As me and Stephen finished hugging we heard a sound from the kitchen. I was first to walk into the kitchen, and out of no where I felt something hit me and I was knocked out.
Stephens POV
I heard two large thumps and walked into the kitchen, Riley was tied up and had a rag around her mouth and Kiki was on the floor. "What the h.." I saw Sophia with a pan in her hand. She tried throwing it at me but I dodged it, "Sophia! What are you trying to do?!?" I asked and got no response. I ran upstairs and locked my room. I called 911 and prettymuch. "Stephen you can't stay in their for long!" She said banging from the other side of the door. Before I knew it the door was on the floor. She threw herself at me and tackled me, she was about to hit me with the pan and someone appeared behind her... it was Edwin. He had grabbed the pan from her, she then pulled out a pocket knife. She opened it, got off of me and went running behind Edwin. Nick grabbed both her hands from behind and Zion grabbed the pocket knife from her hand. Just then the police knocked on the door. "No body move!!" The officer yelled. We stood still until we had to explain what had happened, Sophia was arrested and Riley and Kiki were taken to the hospital.
Nicks POV
After going to the prison with the police they released us. I immediately went to the hospital to check on Kiki, I went into her room, she had a broken nose, a bruise above her eye and a bump on her head, I'm guessing from where the pan hit her. She was still knocked out, I held her hand, she woke up and looked at me. "Hey Kiki" I said finally smiling, "hey, um who are you?" She said taking her hand from my grip.
"W..what? You're joking Kiki right?" I asked. "No...who are you? wait aren't you Nick Mara from Prettymuch? Why at you here? Why am I here?" She asked yet again. I ran out the room and to the doctor. I grabbed him from where he was standing and practically dragged him to Kiki's room. "What's wrong with her?? She can't remember me!!" I said. Stephen then walked in "hey Steph!" Kiki said, I was confused "what the h*ll Kiki are you joking?" "Actually no... the injury she took to the head made her lose memory of the last couple months" the doctor said. I felt my heart drop, I've only known her for three months, she isn't gonna remember anything about me or the boys...

Sorry for the short chapter, I'm sick and have little to no energy so yeah and feel like poop 🤧

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