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Kiki's POV
What have I done I thought outside of Nicks door. "Wha... you okay Kiki?" Austin asked walking up to me.
He pulled me into his room and I sat on the bed and he sat on the ground in front of me. "What's wrong?" He asked looking up at me from the ground. Me and him have grown close and have actually become best friends. I continued to cry and didn't speak. "You know what, you don't have to tell me. I know if it wasn't that bad you would have told me already." He said getting up from the floor and giving me a hug. I didn't hug back. I didn't speak. I didn't do anything.
Stephen was calling me so I picked up knowing I didn't want her to worry. "Hey.." I said. She stood silent. "What's wrong?" She asked. I got up and went to Austins bathroom to take of my eye liner that had spread across my face while crying. "KIKI WHATS WRONG?!?" She said yelling as I put her on speaker. "Me and Nick broke up..." I told he as tears filled my eyes again. "WHAT THE H**L!!! IM GONNA B.." I cut her off "I couldn't trust him and I brought this on myself." I told her "I heard he was cheating, he said he wasn't and I believed him." "Why did he break up with you then?..." she asked. "He knew I still didn't trust him and he said he can't be with me if I'm gonna be like that" I completely broke down to tears again. I couldn't help it. Though I new him for a couple of months and had been with him for only two weeks, I loved him.
"I messed up Stephen... I really messed this up!" I said in tears. "I'm coming in a Uber... where are you?" She asked "I'm in the Prettymuch house, in Austin's room..." I said. I picked up my hair into a messy bun and waited there. Austin put on a movie and brought ice cream with him since I asked. "
He tried acting silly like he usually does to make me laugh. He made his creepy faces, It didn't work. He said jokes to which I smiled to but didn't make me laugh.
Hey.." Stephen said as she walked in Austin waved and She sat next to me on His bed. She hugged me and I hugged back and Austin saw. " what the... how come I am being left out??" he said pretending to be hurt and fake cried. This made me giggle and we brought him into our hug,

Nicks POV
I started crying out of no where. I couldn't stop thinking about what I had just done... I really broke it off. "F**K!" I yelled throwing my phone, I didn't care if it broke at this point... the only person I like to speak to is her but she's not gonna wanna speak since I let her go. I was completely overcome with anger and sadness.
Someone ran into my room and I stopped crying, it was Stephen. "What the h**l Nick!!" She yelled at me, i didn't have the energy to put up a fight. "DO YOU THINK SHES GONNA TRUST YOU FROM ONE DAY TO ANOTHER!! SHE NEEDS TO KNOW SHE CAN TRUST YOU!" She yelled again, I didn't pay mind to it, I couldn't. I started crying again. "I KNOW.. I f**ked up bad. I love her but if she doesn't trust me then... I just can't be with her." She shook her head in disapproval. She gave me a dirty look and flipped me off as she walked out of my room. I just sat on my bed crying and staring into space... I regret what I've done...

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