No scrubs

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Kiki's POV
I felt a tear run down my face and it soon became uncontrollable. What... just why and how?!? He said 'I love you'... did that not mean anything to him?!? My sadness soon turned into anger and I got dressed and went to the PM house.
(pm: Prettymuch)

I knocked nicely, I didn't want the guys to know how upset I was. I didn't want Austin to know about what was happening either, it is about his younger sister and I don't wanna upset him. Zion opened up. "Hey kiks, what's up?" He asked I simply replied with "nothing, just wanna see Nick" he nodded and told me he wasn't there... I felt bad for lying but said I wanted to 'surprise' my new 'boyfriend' since we're 'back together'. I waited in his room for two hours, he came back with lipstick all over his neck and face. "Hey Kiki"He said as if nothing had happened and he wasn't covered in lipstick . "Don't f***ing hey Kiki me!!" I whisper yelled. "What are you talking abou.." before he could finish his sentence I showed him the article. "What is wrong with you nick? You cant be with me and her, or at least not at the same time! You now what, not even!! She's 16, you remember what happened to Zion when he tried to get with Malu!" I said and Nick looked down as if he actually felt bad. He tried apologizing but I ignored him, he tried hugging me but I pushed him off, it hurt me to do this but he has to learn. I left his room and went to the living room. "I'm guessing you know.." Brandon said. "About the Corinna thing?" He nodded. "Yeah, I completely cut him off now..." I said looking down and crying. Soon enough Austin showed in the living room, he had just woken up. "Hey Kiki... best friend what's wrong?" He asked as he noticed a tear run down my face. "Nothing it's just..." I had to think of a lie fast, "it's just" Brandon cut me off "the article, about Corinna and Nick" he said. Austin sucked his teeth, "I told her to stop, he's 21 she's 16. Not only that he WAS in a relationship.. I'm gonna try to speak to her again," he said. "He saw it earlier, I woke him up to show him.." Brandon said. I want home and decided that I wasn't gonna mope around about him all day, I changed at home, did my makeup and went to do my nails with Stephen... well I was gonna be depressed all day but she convinced me that he wasn't worth it and I finally agree.

Kiki_lovely  it took me a minute to realize it but it's true

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Kiki_lovely it took me a minute to realize it but it's true... not worth it though cause ya girl don't want no scrubs, I'm worth so much more!🤘👌🏻👌🏻

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