The post

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Kiki's POV
As I was walking throughout Dr Jays I saw Nick and his new "girlfriend". I started crying and I just couldn't help it... I still loved him. As I was walking out of the store in tears I saw Gregory. "Hey Ki..." He said but I covered my face with my hands. Out of nowhere I felt someone hugging me. He didn't say anything he just stood there comforting me. After what seemed like forever I stopped crying and he let me go. I wiped my tears and looked at him and explained what was wrong and even the Nick situation. He gave me some good advise... he said "he's not worth your time, remember to ask yourself this each time your dating someone: am I dating a onion or a boy... I say this since if he makes you cry this much he's gotta be a onion and a toxic one". I love how wise he is and even though he doesn't know me he still cares.... probably even more than Nick ever did it and ever will. He walked me home and we said our goodbyes.

Two hours later
I opened up my phone to find that I had been tagged in a post I opened it and saw this...


Thenickmara I had so much fun with my princess, just had to post and claim her as mine❤️ ❤️itsscorinnaLiked by itssCorinna and 267,867 others

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Thenickmara I had so much fun with my princess, just had to post and claim her as mine❤️ ❤️itsscorinna
Liked by itssCorinna and 267,867 others

Stephen.ME 🖕 I stg the next time I see you🤬👿 You're done with

Its_me_Riley tf is wrong w you🤬

Austin porter 🖕idgaf anymore

Xxxxx whoa what's happening^^

Zion kuwonu stupid n***a you finna catch a case😭 we telling you to stop Nick

Stephen.ME I WARNED YOU AND IDGAF IF I GO TO JAIL!!! You and your raggedy mop looking **s girlfriend are getting jumped

Its_me_Riley ^ I stg 👿👿

Brandon Arreaga you're messed up😭🙄 both of y'all thenickmara itssCorinna

Xxxxxxx ewww Kiki was better

Edwin hornet ohhh nah😭 you did Kiki dirty bro thenickmara

Austin porter ^^ yep and you honestly hurt my best friend thenickmara

ItssCorinna gtfo of here🖕🖕me and him are HAPPY so stop interfering all of you!! Austin porter Zion kuwonu its_me_Riley Stephen.ME Edwin hornet Brandon arreaga

Xxxxxx wasn't he just dating Kiki??

Xxxxxx omg mom and dad😍

I decided to ignore the post like Gregory said he isn't worth my time or tears. I got a message from a unknown number as I was looking at the post and I decided to open it.

Hey Kiki it's Greg or Gregory whatever you choose to call me. I wanted to know if you'd like to hang out tomorrow?

Sure I'd love to

Okay I have two tickets to see slender man, I'll pick you up around 4pm if that's fine with you

Sure see you tmmw😊

With that I put my phone down... I hope he didn't mean it as anything more than a hang out... fuhhhh what did I just sign up for!? You know what never mind this should be fun! I thought but boy do I think I'm wrong. I heard a knock on my door... it was Nick, "what the h**l do you want? And why did you come to me for it?" I asked as I opened the door. Hewas on the verge of tears, just the sight of him made me like this. "Kiki I'm sor.." The sadness I felt soon turned into anger and I cut him off, "you have the nerve to apologize NOW?! You're the worst type of person alive!" I slammed the door in his face and I don't regret it. I got dressed, packed some clothes and borrowed Riley's car and went to Stephens. "Hey Kiki, what's up?" She asked as she opened the door, keep in mind that it's almost ten in the night. "Hey, can I sleep over?" I asked as I walked in "What the.... do you even know me? You don't have to ask you just gotta say 'I'm staying over'" she chuckled and stopped once she noticed tears running down my face. "He came over apologizing and I didn't listen! I don't regret it but I still like him, doing this hurt me even more than it hurt him I think!" I said, soon enough Stephen calmed me down. "Hey Kiki" Edwin said as he came walking downstairs from god knows where, he came and hugged me then sat next to Stephen. The whole night we were awake talking, watching movies and eating popcorn... well until three am when we all fell asleep on the sofa.

The next day around eleven am

I told Stephen about my hangout with Greg and she insisted on taking me to the mall with my sister. We went to Forever21, Prettygirl, Victoria's Secret and JcPenny. I gotta admit I had a good time until we saw Nick and Corinna. Im so glad that Riley's mature cause though she wanted to fight she didn't. Stephen on the other hand... that's a different story. She jumped up ready to jump Nick and his girlfriend but me and Riley grabbed her before she jumped on them. She put up a fight but we calmed her down and for once I didn't cry at the sight of him. "To think I was once a fan of him" she said and scoffed.

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