The date part 2

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Kiki's POV
Most of the car ride was silent, yet I still managed to be filled with joy. "Where are we going?" I asked with a smile, "we're going to a carnival downtown, we can go on the Ferris wheel, go on the tea cups or whatever you like" After hearing this I couldn't help but continue to smile since. I haven't been to a carnival since I was seven! "I guess I made a good choice, huh?" He said and chuckled. I nodded and the rest of the ride continued silently.
As we grew nearer and nearer to the carnival I noticed beautiful lights, all types of games, and soo much more. "You ready to have some fun?" He asked and I replied "yeah" we decided to go on the tea cups first. Then the Ferris wheel. We had stopped at the top, and decided to take some pictures to post later. We decided to go on a roller coaster next and I was pretty scared at first but when we got on I noticed it wasn't that bad. We got cotton candy then we decided that we were going to go play games after. We played one that included prizes. Nick tried to win one for me then failed, so after he tried, I tried and won . I gave it to him instead of keeping it  so he could remember the first time I beat him at a game. " boom!" I yelled as I handed him the bear. "Whatever, I wasn't focused anyways so..." he said looking a little embarrassed. "Sure you were" I said with a wink. We decided to go on one more ride then go home since it was already dark and was getting late. He dropped me off at home but before I got out of the car he gave me a kiss.... on the cheek.
(thought i was gonna say on the lips?😂🤣)
I walked to my doorstep and noticed he was watching me walk away so I waved and he did the same and smiled. I walked in the door and saw my sister sitting on the couch watching a movie. "Hey" I said as I walked up to her and hugged her. "Hey, where have you been?" She asked "just out hanging with a friend." I said leaving out the fact that it was actually a date. "Ohhh okay."
As she finished saying that I walked upstairs to change and shower. I decided that I would go to sleep after since it had been a long, fun day but before I did my phone dung and I decided to check it. It was from Instagram and Nick has tagged me on a post.

Thenickmara had fun on our first date kiki_love  ❤️❤️Likes by edwinhornet, Zion kuwonu, and 176,937 others

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Thenickmara had fun on our first date kiki_love  ❤️❤️
Likes by edwinhornet, Zion kuwonu, and 176,937 others

Brandon arrega you never told us it was a date!!

Edwin hornet^true that

Zion kuwonu my little boy is growing up😢

Edwin hornet 😂 Zion kuwonu

Xxxxxx omg!!!! A DATE!!!!!

Xxxxxxxxx no my baby is being taken away😰

Austin porter were you guys at a carnival??

Xxxxx my new OTP😍

Thenickmara yeah Austin porter

Austin porter 😢 I would've wanted to go...

Xxxxxxxxx ^its okay Austin🙂

Thenickmara 🙄🤷🏻‍♂️ Austin porter

Stephen_ME look at my best friend😍

Sophia_kuwonu  yassss QUEEEN👸😻😋

Kiki_lovely  me too thenickmara ❤️ and thank you babes stephen_ME sophia_kuwonu 😍❤️

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