Chapter 13: First show

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Chapter 13: First show

Callie's P.O.V.

I woke up in my bunk with someone's arm wrapped around my waist with their head snuggled into the crook of my neck. I smiled as I remembered last night.

Lady and the Tramp had just finished and Austin said "We should go to bed" I agreed and I got in my bunk as he wished me goodnight.

"Stay with me" I whispered.

"Okay" he whispered back. He removed his T shirt and his black skinny jeans and climbed into my bunk, wrapping his arm around my waist and snuggling his head in my neck, kissing it.

I couldn't get out of my bunk. We'd arrived in Minnesota because the bus had stopped. Tonight was the first show and my first job in a while, but I was doing what I loved with the people I loved. I've got to admit OM&M were like my family.

"Morning" Austin said huskily.

"Morning Chess" I kissed his lips gently and then his nose.

"We should get up" I said.

"Yeah we should, I have a meet and greet at 4pm" Austin climbed out of my bunk and into his own. I grabbed an OM&M tank top, some black skinny jeans and headed to the shower. I had a shower and wrapped a towel around my body and walked across to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and sprayed some deodrant. I pulled on my tank top and skinny jeans, brushed my hair and dried it, whilst brushing it. I ran my hands through it to add volume and make it look a bit wild. I applied some mascara, a thin line of eyeliner and some peach lip gloss. I left the bathroom and headed back to my bunk. I grabbed my white converse low tops and headed to the front lounge.

"Morning" Alan greeted as I sat down on the couch and put my shoes on.

"Morning Gingie" I replied. Austin soon came in with wet hair, which he was probably letting dry naturally, and sat next to me pulling on his boots. I ran my hand through his hair to tame it a bit and kissed his cheek.

"So are you guys back together or what?" Alan asked looking at us.

"No we're not, he still needs to fight for me"

"Which I'm going to do" he whispered in my ear.


"We have a meet and greet at 4pm, are you coming along Callie?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah I'm gonna photograph you guys meeting fans"


"I think we should go and get food" Phil suggested. We all walked to the nearest restaurant and had breakfast. We then went back to the bus an chilled.

At 3:30pm we headed to the venue and the guys got ready for the meet and greet, whereas I headed out front and took some picture of fans waiting.

"Who's ready to meet Of Mice and Men?" I asked and they all screamed, I quickly took a photo and ran back inside. 5 minutes later fans were being let in and lining up, staring at the empty table where the boys would soon sit. Soon enough the doors that lead backstage were opened and the guys walked in to the room of screaming fans. I took pictures of them entering and sitting down.

"Oi Callie get over here" Alan said motioning me over. I ran over to him and leaned on the table, camera in hand.

"Get some good photos" he said.

"You have no faith in me Ashby" I replied as the other guys laughed.

"Well I've not seen your portfolio, so I don't know what you're capable of" he simply stated.

"After the show when we get on the bus I'll show you my portfolio and the photos I take tonight, okay?"

"Okay" I walked away to the side of the table and them meeting their fans. They were so down to Earth it was unreal, they hugged them when they gave them gifts and took photos with them. It was amazing. Once everyone had everything signed they walked to the barrier at the front of the stage as the boys headed back backstage with me following them. We went into the green room and I took some shots of them talking and acting goofily. 

It was soon show time and I headed out front and set myself up in between the barrier and the stage. I put in my ear plugs because the crowd was gonna be loud when they came out. The intro music started and everyone screamed. OM&M soon came onstage and I took a few group shots and individual shots. I then headed upstairs and took some photos from the balcony of the full stage. I also headed backstage and then onto the back of the stage to get a shot of the band with the crowd and some back shots. They finished their set and we all headed back to the bus.

I grabbed my Macbook and camera lead from my bunk and sat on a couch in the front lounge. I uploaded all my photos onto my Macbook and then showed them to the guys. Alan was looking at my portfolio along with Austin and Aaron. Phil and Tino went to bed after I'd shown them the photos of tonight's show.

"You're a great photographer" Austin complimented with Alan nodding.

"Thanks I've not done it in a few months" I admitted.

"Why?" Austin asked.

"My parents"

"What's wrong with them?"

"They were in a car crash and they're both in comas, they have been for 6 months" I said, a tear escaping. Austin stood up and sat next to me pulling me close and hugging me.

"I'm so sorry Cal, I didn't know" he said.

"It's okay, we weren't exactly speaking"

"Where are they?"

"New York City hospital"

"How are they?"

"Sleeping peacefully for 6 months. I don't know whether they're gonna wake up, I want them too, I miss them" I said.

"I'm gonna go to bed" I announced.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Austin asked.

"Yes please, I don't really want to be alone"

"Okay" we headed to the bunks and climbed into my bunk. Austin wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped mine around his waist.

I missed my parents, I just wished they would wake up soon.

Feels Like Forever (An Austin Carlile Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora