Chapter 23: Maybe you should tell him

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There's a detailed smut scene, so if you don't like that type of thing then I suggest you don't read this chapter.

Chapter 23: Maybe you should tell him

Callie's P.O.V.

"Maybe you should tell him" Lacey said as we sat in the back lounge editing photographs and drinking coffee.

"No way"

"He has a right to know Callie" Lacey sighed.

"He can't find out Lace, he will hate me forever and I don't think I can handle that"

"Okay fine, but I think he should know"

"Whatever" I muttered.

"I might not come with you on tour" I whipped my head up so fast I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash.


"You don't need me Callie, it was just yesterday you were heart broken and that's understandable due to the day"

"You're right, it was just difficult for me yesterday" I commented.

"I'm gonna go home, I'll text you later" she left the room and I followed her. She grabbed her camera and suitcase and left the bus.

"It was nice meeting you guys" she said before leaving.

"She's not coming with us?" Alan asked with something lacing his voice. Was that disappointment?

"No she's got things to do" I said retreating to the back of the bus. I heard footsteps follow me and then the door close and click with the lock. I didn't turn around I just moved my Macbook to one side.

I felt his lips on my neck and I threw my head back to give him better access.

"I love you so much Cal" he murmered.

"I love you too Austin" I moaned as he bit my sweet spot.

"I see that hasn't changed" he mumbled, kissing it and receiving an involuntary moan from me. I turned around in his embrace and kissed him passionately, tangling my hands in his hair. I pulled his shirt off to expose his tattooed chest. He pulled off my shirt to reveal my dream catcher tattoo on my side.

"That's new" he commented, tracing every line.

"Yeah it is" I replied breathlessly. I pulled his lips down to mine and kissed him again. I fumbled for his belt buckle and pulled his jeans down. He kicked them off as he pulled my shorts down. I kicked them off and fell back onto the sofa, pulling Austin with me. I placed my hand into the front of his boxer briefs and brushed his erection lightly, receiving a moan from him.

"Don't tease" he growled as he removed my bra and started kissing my breasts, giving each one special attention. As he bit my nipple I moaned and started to move my hand up and down his erection.

"Fuck" he murmered against my breast before licking it and kissing it. I could feel him getting near to his climax so I pumped him harder, it set him off, which then set me off but he quickly put a finger into my panties and gave my area attention as well as my breasts. We came down from our climaxes and I pulled my hand out of his boxers as he pulled my panties down. He pulled down his boxers and placed himself at my entrance.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" he asked, looking into my eyes. My mouth had failed me so I just nodded and in one hard thrust he was inside me. I moaned as he left me and then thrust into me again.

"Holy shit" I gasped but his mouth was soon connected with mine, his tounge invading my mouth as he started a steady rhythm. I moved my hips to meet him as he thrust back into me.

"Shit" Austin moaned.

"Austin, I'm gonna-" I didn't even get to finish the sentence because his next thrust set me off and he soon followed. He pumped his release into me and rided out our climaxes. He kissed me gently and snuggled his head into my neck.

"You're beautiful, inside and out" he mumbled. He soon pulled out of me and grabbed two blankets, wrapping one around his waist and handing me the other one. I stood up and wrapped it around my body.

"I'm gonna go and take a shower, you can join me if you want" he winked.

"No thanks, I'm just gonna finish some editing" he nodded and left the room. I put my clothes back on and returned to editing, but I couldn't focus because I had one thing on my mind.

That was the best sex I've ever had.

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