Chapter 30: I love you with all my heart

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Chapter 30: I love you with all my heart

Austin's P.O.V.

"She's gone for good, why the fuck did that bitch come here? How did she know where we were?" I muttered.

"She'll be back" Aaron reassured.

"She's a stalker Austin, she's probably been following us" Phil replied.

Suddenly the door to the bus opened and Callie ran in straight into my arms.

"I love you with all my heart Austin Carlile and I'm sorry that I ran off, I should have listened to an explanation first but don't worry Alan told me everything and I'm gonna listen to you from now on, I promise" she mumbled into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her head.

"I love you too" I mumbled into her hair and I felt her relax in my arms.

"I'm so sorry" she muttered. I placed my chin on her head and looked at Alan.

"Tell her" he mouthed.

"I can't" I mouthed back. If I told her, it would break her and she would leave me for good and I don't think I can cope with that, not again.

"How about you go to the back lounge and put a movie on. I'll be there in a bit" I said to Callie, she nodded and scurried to the back lounge.

"You need to tell her Austin" Alan stated.

"I can't, she will fucking hate me and leave me for good"

"She has a right to know"

"I was drunk, it didn't mean anything"

"It doesn't matter, she already knows" Tino said and I snapped my head to look at him.

"What do you mean?"

"After you broke up with her, she came to a show and wanted to talk to me. She asked why you dumped her because it wasn't because you missed her, she was too smart for that Austin, she knew you too well. She kept asking why and I told her. I told her you slept with another girl, I told her you were drunk but she didn't listen, she didn't want to hear it. It broke her Austin, you broke her." Tino said.

"She knows I accidentally cheated on her?" I asked and he nodded.

"There's one thing you should know though, she came to the show wanting to see you, to tell you something but after I told her what happened she left. It was something important Austin, even I know that"

"Shit, how the fuck do I tell her?" I sighed.

"You don't, you go to the back lounge and you watch that movie. If she brings it up then you explain" Alan replied.

"She's hiding something Austin and if I were you, I'd be very careful to how you approach it" Aaron said.

"I need to find out what she's hiding, but I don't want to lose her"

"She'll tell you soon enough, I'm sure" Phil reassured.

She had a secret but there was one thing I knew for certain:

She knew I was lying when she asked me why I broke up her.

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