Chapter 27: Please don't hurt me

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Chapter 27: Please don't hurt me

Callie's P.O.V.

"Please don't hurt me" I whispered as Austin kissed my neck.

"I promise" he murmered before gripping my skin in between his teeth. I pulled his lips back to mine and kissed him pasaionately.

"We should go, you have a show to get to" I mumbled, kissing him again.

"Yeah, we should" Austin replied, kissing my lips gently and grabbing my hand. I grabbed my camera and headed out front.

Of mice and men came on stage and the crowd screamed. They finished their set and I headed back to the bus.

I pulled on some sweatpants and a baggy jumper and locked myself in the back lounge. I uploaded the photos from tonight's show and logged off my Macbook. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the crumpled photo. I ran my fingers over his delicate face and gently kissed it. I missed him, he was my world but even the things closest to us can be taken away so quickly.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I didn't wipe it away, I couldn't, I needed to cry. I needed my parents to wake up, I couldn't lose them because if I lost them then that meant that I'd lost everything close to me.

"Callie are you okay in there?" I heard Phil ask from the other side of the door.

"Yeah I'm fine" I replied, quickly wiping away the tears. I grabbed my Macbook and opened the door. I climbed into my bunk and fell into a peaceful sleep.

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