Chapter 26: Don't you dare hurt her

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Chapter 26: Don't you dare hurt her

Austin's P.O.V.

I stared up at the ceiling of my bunk. I let out a sigh and finally got up, pulling on an aspire and create tank top and some black skinny jeans. I headed to the front lounge to be greeted by Alan, who was staring at me.

"What?" I asked, pouring a cup of coffee.

"Don't you dare hurt her" he warned.

"What the fuck?" I replied, sitting down on the sofa opposite him, taking a sip of my coffee.

"We all know you Austin and if you hurt her we will kill you"

"I won't hurt her"

"You better not" he warned again before heading to the bunks. I decided to take a walk.

I walked by the river and noticed a person sitting on a bench.

"Hey" I greeted, sitting down next to her.

"Hey" she replied, placing her head on my shoulder. We sat in silence, watching people rush to work, watching boats glide on the peaceful water.

"We should go" Callie stated, standing up and heading in the direction of the bus.

We walked back to the bus and she walked to back lounge to do her work.

I couldn't hurt her again. Could I?

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