Chapter 15: He really loves me

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Chapter 45: He really loves me

Callie's P.O.V.

I walked off stage and went back to taking photos of the band and fans. I watched their set but all I could focus on was Austin. He was fighting for me and my heart. He really loves me.

They finished their set and I ran back to the bus, putting my photos on my Macbook and changing into a pair of boy shorts and one of Austin's T shirts he gave me over 3 years ago. I headed into the back lounge with my Macbook and decided to Skype Lacey. I locked the door so none of the guys could disturb me.

"Hey baby girl, how's tour? Who's the band? Hooked up with anyone yet?" she asked winking. I laughed.

"Tour's great, the band is Of Mice & Men and I haven't hooked up with anyone yet" I replied, emphasising the yet.

"Of Mice & Men, Austin's band? Austin as in Austin Carlile? Austin Carlile as in the Austin Carlile who broke your heart over the phone 3 years ago?"

"That would be the one" I confirmed.

"How are you coping?"

"He's trying to win me back. We kissed and he told me he loved me but I said to him that I couldn't tell him that I loved him back because my heart doesn't know how to trust yet, so I told him that he needed to fight for me and my heart and that is exactly what he's doing"


"He got me up on stage during Would You Still Be There and then he told me that he would always be there and that I meant everything to and I was his world"

"Oh my god, that's beautiful"

"I know right"

"Are you gonna take him back?"

"It depends how hard he fights" Lacey chuckled at my response and then said "Gotta go babe" we said our goodbyes and I logged off Skype. I decided to ring the hospital.

"Hello Lacey"

"Hi Mindi, any change?" I'd been asking the same question for the past 6 months.

"No I'm sorry sweetie, maybe it's time you decided to let them go" she said.

"No I can't, I have hope, they will wake up I'm sure of it. I'll be back in 6 months and I'm sure they'll be awake by the time they return"

"Okay sweetie, I'll ring you if anything happens"

"Thank you" I hung up. That's how those conversations always went but I couldn't give up on them, not yet. They would fight this, they will wake up and we'll be a family again. The one person I needed right now was my older brother.

Callie: Hey Day, I miss you, mommy and dady still haven't woken up, I'm on tour working, photographing a band. How's uni? How's London? How's Cherry? Give her my love and I hope to see you soon. Love you Damien xxx

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. I stood up and unlocked it. Austin walked in and took a seat.

"What happened to you?" he asked.

"I decided to get ready for bed, Skype Lacey, ring the hospital and text Damien" I replied.


"Nope, no change but I have faith in them. I know they'll get through this, they'll wake up soon. As for Damien, I've not talked to him in months, he's not really spoken to me since the crash, he's got a new life at University in London, he doesn't need me" I said.

"You're his little sister of course he needs you"

"He doesn't act like it"

"He'll soon realise he needs you"

"Thank you" I whispered.

"For what?"

"For tonight, you're fighting for me"

"I told you I would" he said before kissing me.

"You still need to fight for me, my heart doesn't know whether to trust you yet"

"Believe me Cal, tonight was just the beginning"

I really hoped it was because I don't think I was ready to let go of him forever.

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